
Notre-Dame Cathedral of Ottawa

30 people gathered in front of the nation’s capital’s Cathedral to honor Our Lady. While praying, we were facing the northeast of the Parliament buildings where the most important decisions for the future of our families, children, and grandchildren are taken. Families with children praying on their knees were very inspiring. The two huge banners, one on each side of the street would attract pedestrians and car drivers. Thank you “Canada Needs Our Lady” to facilitate this important prayer rally.


2020 Rally Pictures Ontario


We had a public square rosary held on October 10, at noontime spearheaded by Ms. Frances Tan to commemorate the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima. This year’s venue was by Don Mills and Steeles in Thornhill, north of Toronto.

2020 Rally Pictures Manitoba

St. Gerard Parish, Frontage Foster St. Winnipeg Manitoba






It was a nice day for prayer.


Alberta Alberta

Edmonton, AB, beside St. Andrew’s church

2020 Rally Pictures Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

Wishart, SK

Mother Mary be blessed!

2020 Rally Pictures Ontario Ontario

Toronto, 1372 King St. W. (by the Statue of our Lady, Church of the Holy Family), Cowan Ave.


by the Statue of our Lady, Church of the Holy Family

2020 Rally Pictures British Columbia British Columbia

South Surrey, BC: 1845 – 154th. Street, (at Bakerview Park) (154 St.& 18 Ave.)


South Surrey, BC: 1845 – 154th. Street, (at Bakerview Park) (154 St. & ramp; 18th Ave.)

2020 Rally Pictures Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

North Battleford

2020 Rally Pictures Ontario Ontario


2020 Rally Pictures Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Neilburg


Me and my husband were joined out in front of our small town Catholic church by my son and daughter and our other daughter and her husband and two little girls. My mom and step dad also joined us. Was a beautiful time of prayer and we even got a smile from a passerby.

2020 Rally Pictures Ontario Ontario

Walkerton, Ontario


For our second consecutive Rosary Rally, I was pleased with the turnout of 17 people, including Fr. Luc and Sister Anne (considering the CoVid-19 restrictions). It was breezy again, and warmer than last year. I am thankful for the opportunity to pray publicly for Canada, and thankful also for my helpers. God Bless Canada!

2020 Rally Pictures Saskatchewan Saskatchewan

Albertville, SK, St James Church



Was a cool windy day, but we were happy to pray with the rest of Canada and the world

2020 Rally Pictures Alberta Alberta

St Albert, Holy Family Parish


We were blessed with good weather and many participants. 59 signed in at our sign-up tables. Very peaceful, our second rally outside Holy Family Parish, near a significant intersection with constant traffic to witness our love for God and our Lady. All went very well!

2020 Rally Pictures Alberta Alberta

Heisler, Village Hall



Heisler, Village Hall

2020 Rally Pictures Manitoba Manitoba

Corner of Munroe Ave. & Watt St. (Holy Eucharist parking lot), 505 Watt St., Winnipeg

2020 Rally Pictures New Brunswick New Brunswick

141 Henry Street, Miramichi

All the way in the heartland of New Brunswick we unite with all the Rosary Rallies of Canada. Blessed Mother protect us!

2020 Rally Pictures Manitoba Manitoba


Even in the countryside we pray.

2020 Rally Pictures Manitoba Manitoba

St Pierre Jolys, Manitoba

Canada’s future Catholic defenders!

2020 Rally Pictures Alberta Alberta

Grande Prairie


It was a beautiful time gathering to pray together before The Blessed Sacrament today.

Many joined in prayer alongside us from the comfort of their own homes due to the current Coronavirus Pandemic.

Some members of the Catholic Women’s League Council at our Parish also renewed their Consecration prayers for the League and Canada.

In Christ,

2020 Rally Pictures Ontario Ontario

Barrie, ON


All for the Blessed Mother

2020 Rally Pictures Alberta Alberta

Medicine Hat, AB

In a cove, our prayers echoed out to Heaven.

2020 Rally Pictures Ontario Ontario

LaSalle, on



Yes, we succeeded with our “Rosary Rally” Sunday!!

2020 Rally Pictures British Columbia British Columbia

Our Lady of Mercy Grotto, Burnaby

Our Lady of Mercy Grotto, Burnaby BC


Our Rosary Rally was held on Oct.10, 2020. The sky was dark and gloomy at the beginning of the Rosary Rally. As the prayer progressed, the clouds  cleared and the sun shone brightly as if Mama Mary was smiling and proud of us while watching our group from above. Thank you, “Our Loving Mother” for giving us the opportunity to express our love to you through this rosary rally.

2020 Rally Pictures Ontario Ontario

4300 Steeles Ave. East, Markham

Our rally was held at 4300 Steeles Ave. East, Markham  

2020 Rally Pictures Ontario


2020 Rally Pictures Ontario

5650 Mavis Road. Mississauga

We held our Rosary Rally on October 10, 2020 on Hurontario Street near Bristol Road.
It was wonderful to see the response from all the participants that joined us. I felt really happy at the response we were getting as the traffic passed us showing their support by honking their horns and giving us thumbs ups. I realized it did not matter how many or few of us were at the Rally – the important part was that we were drawing attention to Our Lady of Fatima’s Banner ! There were some people who were not able to join us on the road but they joined us in prayer from their homes.

Our rally was held at Mississauga 

Ontario Ontario Rosary Rallies

Terrace Bay, on


The Cross is our Salvation. We will be here next year.

Ontario Ontario Rosary Rallies

Toronto ON, 83 Power St. and Queen St. East



We were a good bunch of people. God bless!


We held our Rosary Rally at , 83 Power St. and Queen St. East, Toronto ON

Ontario Ontario Rosary Rallies

Toronto, ON

Under the Gaze of Mother Mary; The enthusiasm was there. 

Manitoba Manitoba Rosary Rallies

Winnipeg Region

Franciscan  friar  leads  us  in Prayer.  Here, the countryside, we pray to Our Lady.

2020 Rally Pictures Alberta Alberta


Other good friends were close by.

St. Mary’s Cathedral; Calgary, AB

The Rosary Rally was well attended, and we even had a good priest there to lead us in the Rosary.

2020 Rally Pictures Ontario Ontario

Gairloch Gardens, Oakville

Thank you all? deeply from my heart and specially to Our Lady? to reach our goal of praying together and being more than ??15 people from last year. I strongly encourage all of you that couldn’t make it for this lovely Rosary Rally to tried hard next year and be never dismayed for the cause of God?? Always is worth it❣️
Gabbie Romo

2020 Rally Pictures Nova Scotia

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia


Oct. 10,2020 Rosary Rally Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

2020 Rally Pictures British Columbia British Columbia

Maple Ridge, BC

Our rally was held in a busy street with pedestrians, car wash overpowering and cars were rolling. It was raining all night and on the day of the rally, the sun came out around noon. The rally was successful and rewarding despite of physical and social distancing due to the pandemic. We are grateful to reach to our community and look forward to serve Our Lord and Our Lady.

2020 Rally Pictures


Respecting the rules

We held our Rosary Rally on October 10, 2020 on Hurontario Street near Bristol Road.
It was wonderful to see the response from all the participants that joined us. I felt really happy at the response we were getting as the traffic passed us showing their support by honking their horns and giving us thumbs ups. I realized it did not matter how many or few of us were at the Rally – the important part was that we were drawing attention to Our Lady of Fatima’s Banner ! There were some people who were not able to join us on the road but they joined us in prayer from their homes.

2020 Rally Pictures Ontario

Chatham, ON

Rosary Rally: We did it!


Rosary Rally at 12 noon on the 12th of October, 2019 at Erin Centre Blvd. and Erin Mills Parkway, Mississauga. Only 15 people were there and suddenly a Flock of Canadian geese arrived and were standing around us and remained with us for all the 4 Mysteries and then they flew away. I thought I should share that with you.

2020 Rally Pictures

Brampton, ON

We had a successful Rally last Saturday. There were 29 of us.

We had rain, which stopped as we went out to pray on the 4 corners at St Anthony Padua church. Bright sun came out though very windy and cool. Some of us prayed the rosary at 2 entrances of the plaza across from the church. So we were 6 groups.

Blessings and Peace.

Your sister in Christ+,

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