2023 Rally Pictures

Edmonton Alberta

2023 Rally Pictures

Scarborough Ontario

Thank you very much for organizing this wonderful annual event and for your kind assistance.

2023 Rally Pictures

Ethelbert Manitoba

Our community of Ethelbert MB held it’s Rosary Rally on Saturday October 14, 2023. Good Bless

2023 Rally Pictures

Edmonton Alberta

Rosary Rally held on October 14 in Edmonton.

2023 Rally Pictures

Terrebonne Quebec

Our Lady of the most Holy Rosary. We were about 5 attendees with 2 children.

2023 Rally Pictures

Vancouver British Columbia

Rosary Rally with our Latin community. It was a great Rally.

God bless you.

2023 Rally Pictures

Enchant Alberta

God bless you all!

2023 Rally Pictures

Oakville Ontario

2023 Rally Pictures

Sussex New Brunswick

Our Rally was held in front of the Amsterdam Inn at 143 Main St , Sussex NB
We had 18 people at our Rally

2023 Rally Pictures

Dryden Ontario

This year we were at Earls Court which is on the corner of a 4-way stop near down town. We were visible to many. Like last year we had many good singers to help make it a lovely rally. This year thankfully we stayed dry.

2023 Rally Pictures

New Westminster British Columbia

2023 Rally Pictures

Winnipeg Manitoba

Coin Park Laverendry et rue Despins. Winnipeg

2023 Rally Pictures

Albertville Saskatchewan

It was a cool, windy day. We hid around the north corner of the church and were warmed by the statue of the Virgin Mary in the Grotto outide our church. We were 5 blessed souls who came out to pray for of of Mary’s intentions.

2023 Rally Pictures

Terrace Bay Ontario

Rosary rally held on Oct. 14 in Terrace Bay, Ontario. There was a great deal to pray for ā€” perhaps more this year than ever. We were not a large group but… whenever two or more…

2023 Rally Pictures

Ottawa Ontario

2023 Rally Pictures

Ottawa Ontario

Canada Needs our Lady, Public Square Rosary Rally , October 14, 2023 – Parliament Hill and Annunciation of the Lord Parish, Ottawa, ON
Canada Needs Our Lady aims to spread Our Lady of Fatimaā€™s message of hope through personal conversion by means of prayer and amendment of life, with special emphasis on the Holy Rosary. Joan of Arc Community on Parliament Hill.

2023 Rally Pictures

Welland Ontario

We had our rosary rally this past 14 th of October at SacrĆ© Coeur Church in Welland Ontario. The weather was bad and so we did not get the attendance we wanted but never the less it was beautiful. Our Pastor came out and prayed with us . We’re thankful for what we had.
In union with Mother Mary.

2023 Rally Pictures

Bolton Ontario

2023 Rally Pictures

St Joseph Manitoba

St Joseph, MB. Thank you and God bless you!

2023 Rally Pictures

Calgary Alberta

Rosary rally here in Calgary. We had about 75 people attend.

2023 Rally Pictures

Scarborough Ontario

2023 Rally Pictures

North York Ontario

October 14, 2023 Rosary Rally held at the corner of Avenue Rd & Lawrence Avenue in North York, Ontario.

2023 Rally Pictures

Halifax Nova Scotia

Our rally was a great success! We had over 60 attend to pray and sing with us. Afterward we had a reception for the group.

2023 Rally Pictures


The Rosary Rally was held in Toronto, Ontario on the lawn of the church of St. Elizabeth of Hungary at the corner of Bayview and Sheppard.

The prayers of the Rally were said as per the enclosed brochure sent by you. We were approximately 18 people, Many pedestrians stopped to see, read the banner and move one. We had a few cars honking in agreement. All of the 18 members felt enriched praying the rosary in a public setting.

2023 Rally Pictures

London Ontario

Rosary rally in London Ontario Oct 14.

2023 Rally Pictures

Preeceville Saskatchewan

2023 Rally Pictures

Sylvan Lake Alberta

Our Lady of Assumption Parish. Sylvan Lake Alberta.

2023 Rally Pictures

Stoney Creek Ontario

Rosary rally at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Elfrida / Binbrook.

2023 Rally Pictures

Edmonton Alberta

2023 Rally Pictures

Bowmanville Ontario

Saturday October 14th in Front of St. Joseph’s Church in Bowmanville ON.
I’m pleased to say this being our 2nd year that we surpassed last year’s attendance.
2022 there were 26 in total, this year 2023 62 in attendance.

2023 Rally Pictures

Meadows British Columbia

Rosary prayer for Canada Oct 14 2023 at St Luke’s Maple Ridge.

2023 Rally Pictures

Prince George British Columbia

2023 Rally Pictures

Mississauga Ontario

2023 Rally Pictures

Whitby Ontario

Corner of Holy Family Parish Parking Lot – 91 Ribblesdale Dr & Manning Rd in Whitby, Ontario.

2023 Rally Pictures

Mississauga Ontario

Rosary Rally last Oct 14 at Hurontario St and Burnhamthorpe.



2023 Rally Pictures

Niagara Falls Ontario

2023 Rally Pictures

Sydney Nova Scotia

Rosary Rally at the “Holy Redeemer Parish in Sydney, Nova Scotia.

2023 Rally Pictures

Fort St John British Columbia

Rosary Rally held at the Grotto of The Church of the Resurrection, Fort St. John, British Columbia.

2023 Rally Pictures

Toronto Ontario

Rosary Rally Captain In front of St. Anthony Catholic Church

2023 Rally Pictures

Winnipeg Manitoba

Winnipeg, parroquia nuestra seƱora de la asunciĆ³n

2023 Rally Pictures

Orangeville Ontario

– 20 people.
– very calm public, quiet curiosity, polite crowds.
– great weather despite rain forecasts.

2023 Rally Pictures

Winnipeg Manitoba

Rosary Rally participated by Mary Queen Of Our Hearts Legion of Mary.

2023 Rally Pictures

Francia Ontario

Thanks so much for let me be part as Captain in my community (City of Oakville, Ontario ) for the 3rd time, It was raining a lot, after the Rosary the sun shined beautiful!

2023 Rally Pictures

Devon Alberta

Bernadette Serafinchan

We were seven ladies this year, not as many as last year.

Our rally was held in the greenspace between Superior Street and Highway 6o in Devon, AB.

2023 Rally Pictures

Gravenhurst Ontario

Urania Garcia from St. Pauls Gravenhurst Ont .Canada . There were 30 people in our Rally . I am happy to sign up for a Captain for next year if available .

2023 Rally Pictures

Kingsville Ontario

It was very rainy day. But very beautiful moment with our lady.

2023 Rally Pictures

Chapleau Quebec


2023 Rally Pictures

Orleans Ontario

2023 Rally Pictures

Kamloops British Columbia

Quiet prayer for a group of 5. Smaller turnout than last year.

We experienced Respect behavior of traffic passing through busy intersection and while stopped.

2023 Rally Pictures

Chatham, Ontario

With rain and cold winds, our group consisted of 9 people, gathering under a shelter on Saturday, October 14. 2023 at 12 pm. on the grounds of Our Lady of Victory Parish Church. On Sunday, October 15, 2023 at 1:30 pm being our usual weekly Rosary prayer, with 10 people present, we held a repeat Rosary Rally at the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, at the church of Our Lady of Fatima. The weather was still cloudy, and cold but better. Together there were 13 individual people in attendance as some attended both. Our group consists of mostly elderly people who pray from their hearts and hold a special devotion to Our Lady, so we were joyfully praying using the program we received from Canada Needs Our Lady. Next year, we hope to make our CNOL Rosary more Public, walking along the sidewalk, in the sight of traffic which we had planned for this year. We are most grateful to have had the opportunity to join CNOL Rosary Rally.

Sorry, no pictures were taken this year.

2023 Rally Pictures

Grande Prairie Alberta

It was a cold autumn day where a small group of the faithful gathered to pray the rosary.

2023 Rally Pictures

Leduc Alberta

We had 19 prayer warriors attend, including our parish priest. We were situated on Main Street, one vehicle honked in appreciation. There was another church group walking to make awareness to human trafficking who showed friendly support. The day was very windy but the very light statue of Our Lady didn’t blow over even though the heavy vase with flowers was knocked over by the wind. When Barb placed her on the table she said “Mother Mary take care of her” and she did. Praise God!!! It was a humbling experience.

2023 Rally Pictures

Niagara Falls Ontario

This was the first time being a Rally Captain and I felt it went well. When I arrived at St Thomas More Church I was surprised to meet a husband and wife who were there and had been running the Rally for over 5 years. No one had informed that there was a Rally at St Thomas More even when I had submitted the location to Canada Needs Our Lady. Regardless they were very kind and allowed me to lead the Rosary. There were about 25 in attendance including our Associate Pastor. I did make copies of the attendance sheets but due to the weather(cold and rainy) and other concerns, they were not filled out.
The other concern being that I dont quite understand why people who come out to pray are being asked to fill out their personal information for a total stranger. Although it is for a noble cause people nowadays are reluctant so I was not comfortable pursuing it.
Aside from that I was glad to be apart of such a beautiful event which this world is so much in need of especially at this time!
Thank you

2023 Rally Pictures

Taber Alberta

This was our 3rd Rosary rally and we were blessed with 20 people joining to pray for our Nation, our community, our world and for our families.
The day started out windy and cool but by the time we were done praying, the sun was shining and warmed us up. Our rally is held in our church parking lot and faces one of our town’s main driving routes. We did received some support from passing motorists with a quick honk of their horn.
Our participants have been regular attendees for our Rosary Rally and are faithful prayer intercessors.

2023 Rally Pictures

Milk River Alberta

We joined our 2 churches together to pray for Canada at St. Peter’s in Milk River. We started at 11:00am due to a wedding being booked in the church for 1:30pm. The majority of our participants were elderly (over 70) and the weather was not nice. We prayed in the entrance of the church with the one door open so people walking or driving by could see / hear us. Most of the participants sat on chairs with 3 of us standing. We concluded the event with coffee and desserts in our church hall. The consensus of all there was Canada needs our prayers more now than ever before.

I took a picture but somehow it is not on my phone. This concludes my report for our 3rd annual rosary rally of 2023.

2023 Rally Pictures

Martensville Saskatchewan

We held our Rosary Rally at the intersection of 4th Street and 8th Avenue in Martensville. There were approximately 35 people who participated.

2023 Rally Pictures

Lachine Quebec

This rally was attended by 10 parishioners and was led by the parish priest at St. John Paul II Parish. With a number of parishioners representing a variety of backgrounds, each decade of the Rosary was led in a different language (i.e. Portuguese, Spanish, French, Tagalog, and Polish). The responses were in English.

After the rally, an independent Christian spoke with our parish priest about his appreciation for seeing a visible witness of the Christian faith and asked if he could use the Church as a background for a music video he wanted to make.

Since our Church faces a lake front, a lot of passerby noticed our public Rosary.

I am interested in being a Rosary Rally Captain once again for 2024, but will only confirm after discussing with my parish priest.

2023 Rally Pictures

Toronto Ontario

We gathered for prayer over 25 people, some new to the group. We prayed initially the Sorrowful Mysteries, then came to my mind to ask the attendants if they would like to pray another Rosary for peace and they agreed, so we prayed the Joyful Mysteries, ended with the Litany, and chanted the Sanctissima. The participants were grateful and peaceful with joy.

I am glad we were able to accomplish this event, with the help of our Lady. I hope more people will join in the future.

Best wishes and blessings to you and your team.

2023 Rally Pictures

High River Alberta

Rosary Rally in High River, AB.

British Columbia

Holland Park, Surrey, BC.

We were a small group mostly from the Immaculate Conception Parish in North Delta, but we had 6 nationalities, and the youngest was 14, the oldest was 84! Hail Mary! Praise God!

British Columbia

Richardson Elementary School ground, Delta, BC

This Public Rosary was attended mostly by parishioners of Immaculate Conception Parish in Delta. It was held in honour of Our Lady in the month of May, 2017. More than 65 people including several children attended.


Mississauga, On St Catherine of Siena Parish


Toronto, 263 Roncesvalles Ave @ Westminster Ave

This was our second consecutive year holding the Public Square Rosary Rally thanks to your encouraging initiatives and supplies…and we tripled the number of prayerful participants to approximately 40 individuals!

New Brunswick


The Rally was held in Fredericton, N.B., Saturday morning, Oct. 14, 2017 on the lawn of St. Dunstan’s Church near the Statue of Our Lady. It was directly across the street from the bustling Boyce Farmers Market. The Rally was organized by local priest, Rev. Dr. Michael McGowan. He asked for participation from local Fredericton parishioners from Our Lady of Fatima (incl. Fr. Richard Harris), St. Dunstan’s and other local Catholic churches, members of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada, the Knights of Columbus Councils, Fredericton Right to Life and others. Catholic passersby from the market also joined in. There were about 40 people in the group and your banners were held up for all to see.



I was very please with the turn out this year and everyone who attended where very enthusiastic!


St. Paulā€™s Cathedral

From Donald Okonkwo



This was Pembroke’s 1st Public Rosary Rally. I booked the Pembroke Amphitheater well in advance so it was easier for the older people to sit and so everyone could hear us pray with the microphones.
The waterfront is generally a busy spot.
I asked our local Deacon to play his guitar and sing the songs with us. He also helped me make sure that all the parishes in our area received notification, (three weeks in advance), to put in their bulletins.
The Pembroke Diocese has both French and English parishes, therefore I asked a parishioner from one of our local French Church to help me say the Rosary in French as well. We took turns doing the intentions, 1st in English next in French and so on. I would say the first Joyful Mystery she would do the second and so on.
She also helped me welcome everyone, had them sign the attendance sheet and handed out the programs and intentions. I had copies of both French and English made.
A total of 65 people came to join us, including two Priests and one Deacon.
It was also nice to see two young families there.
I was very pleased with the turn out. Only 57 signed the attendance sheet.
If each of these 57 people brought one person next year we will have over 100.!!
When we finished singing O Sanctissima I asked Fr. Stephen to give all us a final blessing.
Pembroke had heavy rain earlier that morning but as we were beginning to set up for the Rally there was a whole in sky of no clouds and as we were saying the third Joyful Mystery The Sun came out ! It was so beautiful to see.
Thank you for giving me this beautiful opportunity to share my faith with others.

We have 37 pictures that were taken at the Rally these are the three best ones that show most of the grp and the people that helped me make it such a success.
Laurie Mintha Captain
Pembroke, Ontario


Ottawa Near Rideau River Pathway

Our rally location was near the Rideau River Pathway on the edge of the street with cars passing by and pedestrians. A car passed by and honked and waved as an encouraging expression. We were able to do the rosary rally in Spanish as our group was Hispanic. It was our great pleasure to bring this Public Rosary to our Ottawa area. We hope to promote it and reach more individuals next year. Thank you for the blessed opportunity.



On Saturday, October 14, we did a rosary pilgrimage from Sherbrooke’s ImmaculĆ©e Conception church to the Beauvoir sanctuary. We recited the entire 20 mysteries of the rosary out loud and even sang parts of it in the downtown Sherbrooke area. We did not receive the Canada Needs Our Lady banner that we ordered, but we still managed to pull off a public rosary to pray for sinners and peace in the world.

British Columbia


We pray that our meager prayers will find favor with Our Lord through the intercession of Our Lady and our Father in Faith, St Joseph for the correction of the direction our country has taken but especially for souls that are being led astray.


Elliot Lake



It was announced in the bulletin at different parishes. We were 5 people that took part in the rally. We couldnā€™t walk too far cause of 1 personneeded a bathroom in close proximity due to health problems. So we walked around a little and then stood in front of the church. Some people passing by seen us.


Christ the King Church

Oct.14 2017
Our Rosary Rally in front of Christ the King Church.




Northern Alberta

We had a great group of CWL Members, Parishioners, and the lay faithful gather and brave the cold Northern Alberta windy weather to pray together in celebration and honour of Our Lady.

Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021


Our Rally was held on October 17, 2021 from 12 Noon to 1pm on the side walk in front of The Savior Of The World Church on Hwy10 and Bristol Road in Mississauga, Ontario.

Even though It was a windy morning, it was wonderful to see the response from all the Participants that joined us. We felt really Happy at the response we were getting as the traffic passed us showing their support by honking their horns and giving us thumbs up. We were drawing attention to Our Lady of Fatima’s Banner while we Prayed the Rosary !

Ontario 2021

St. Agustin Canterbury Church/ Toronto

Our Rev. Fr. Salvador C.and the RenovaciĆ³n Charismatic Praying Group of St. Agustin Canterbury Church give to us their support by bringing the statute of Our Lady of Fatima and the speakers placed at the front of the Church. They played and singing the hymns to our Lady.
Thank you so much to Canada needs our Lady for the beautiful rosaries donated, there were delivery to every child and youth people presents. The Rosary was praying in 5 language: English, Espanish, Italian and Arabic at the end of every mystery, each participant placed one Rose ? to our Lady. (Mrs. Martha from Mexico donated 50 fresh Roses) making a unique spiritual experience of love to our Mather of God. Finally, Father Salvador make the consagration and letanies with his bless.
Eventhough, was raining all our brothers and sisters keep praying with a joyfulness until the end.

Manitoba 2021


There were 8 of us, a beautiful day for Mary.
Very positive, heard good comments after.
Ethelbert is a very small community this was its first rally.
I think Corinne (my mother) sent a paper report.

Quebec 2021


Ontario 2021


It was my first time pleasure and privilege to have led a 2021 Rosary Rally. Canada definitely needs Our Lady and I was happy that so many of us came together. Our Lady seat of wisdom, PRAY FOR US!
Love and God’s gracious blessings,
Ann Margaret Ali

Alberta 2021

Red Deer

Alberta 2021

Red Deer

Glory be to Christ!
We had a successful rosary rally at St Marys Church parking lot in Red Deer Alberta.
Blessings to you
Jackie Maga

Ontario 2021


Alberta 2021

St Albert

Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021

Peterborough, On

Our rally was very successful even though the day was cloudy and rainy. 43 people attended and prayed together. The rain held off while we gathered and the sun came out for a bit as we said the rosary…. just like at Fatima!
People thought, because of the situation in our country, that this be held on the 13th of every month, beginning in May. Food for thought…

British Columbia 2021

New Westminster

Ontario 2021


Manitoba 2021


Manitoba 2021

East St Paul

Saskatchewan 2021


Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021


Manitoba 2021

Lac du Bonnet, MB

We had a small, quiet rally in front of the Catholic church of Notre Dame du Lac. Our family of 14 people plus one other lady attended. We were honored to be able to pray publicly for our country.

British Columbia 2021


We prayed the Rosary at just past 12 noon, at the edge of Centennial Square under a cloudy yet rainless sky; City Hall and the fountain in the background.

Ontario 2021


British Columbia 2021


Ontario 2021

North Bay

Ontario 2021


Quebec 2021


Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021

Bayview and John street, Thornhill, Ontario

Eight people attended the rosary rally. We were blessed with mild weather on October 16!

Ontario 2021

Scarborough/ON, Warden and Finch

Our rally location was on a busy street. Definitely in a very visible location.
The invitation was extended to our parishioners and friends. Despite the weather forecast for rain and heavy winds in our area, the turnout was beyond our expectations. Over 90 people joined the rosary rally. Our Blessed Mother covered us with clear skies just as we started the rosary prayers. The afternoon was spiritually fulfilling.

Thank you for this blessed opportunity. It is our desire to conduct the annual public rosary to pray for our Nation and for ourselves.

Quebec 2021

Lachine, St-JPII church

Our first time, so it was humble in terms of participants, but we plan to advertise much ahead for next year!

Ontario 2021

Chatham ON, outside of Our Lady of Victory church in front of statue

About 30 people gathered in the trees at Our Lady of Victory statue, on Saturday, October 16 at 12 noon. The cloudy morning gave way to sunny intervals, giving warmth to body and our spirit. The presence of Our Lady was felt as we prayed earnestly, asking Mother Mary’s intervention for e.g. conversion for everyone in Chatham and all of Canada, and for VICTORY over the enemy. Even though we were not close to the road, our crowd and banner caught the attention of a couple of cars as the drivers honked their horns in support. This was our third year for CNOL Rally and we look forward to the next rally in 2022.

Manitoba 2021

St Pierre Jolys

Ā  Ā 

Manitoba 2021


Alberta 2021

Milk River in front of St. Peter’s church

We had 18 people attend the rosary. The weather was beautiful and many positive comments made. People want to participate again next year.


Ontario 2021

Toronto, ON – Kipling and Dixon Rd

We were over 30 people, including families with children and our pastor. I did not observe much of a reaction, but that was probably because I was praying and not watching, and there were not many pedestrians. Our pastor said it seemed to make on-lookers thoughtful.

Ontario 2021

Aylmer On John Street Bear Park

It rained all morning, just before noon there was a huge rainbow ?. It stopped raining as we started our prayers. 21 of us did not get wet.

Nova Scotia 2021

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Rosary Rally Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.


Notre-Dame Cathedral of Ottawa

30 people gathered in front of the nation’s capital’s Cathedral to honor Our Lady. While praying, we were facing the northeast of the Parliament buildings where the most important decisions for the future of our families, children, and grandchildren are taken. Families with children praying on their knees were very inspiring. The two huge banners, one on each side of the street would attract pedestrians and car drivers. Thank you “Canada Needs Our Lady” to facilitate this important prayer rally.

Ā  Ā 

Alberta 2021

Edmonton, over the Internet

It was due to the pandemic, we moved the rally from a park to a meeting room of the Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples. We used Facebook Live to broadcast the event over the Internet.

Although we only had 2 priests, 1 deacon, and 2 parishioners able to attend the rally physically, we had over 2 thousand online participants. The reaction was encouraging.

Ontario 2021

Scarborough, ON, Markham Rd./Sheppard Ave.

This was the first rally I organized, 11 people came including me and my husband.
Many people promised to come but finally weren’t able to. I’m sure we will have a bigger group for the next Rally.
Thank you for the opportunity to do this.
God bless you!

Ontario 2021

Markham at Hwy 7 and McCowan Rd

We had 50 people who ignored the rainy forecast at a busy intersection with mostly favorable responses from the public.

Alberta 2021

Grande Prairie

There were a few of us who braved the cooler weather once again, in Northern Alberta, to gather and pray together for our 5th Annual Rosary Rally!

Ontario 2021

Ottawa Ontario – Our Lady’s Grotto 2414 Ogilvie Road


My sister Pat and I saw that there was supposed to be a Rally on Quincy St in Beacon Hill North in Ottawa but when we arrived there at noon there wasn’t anything happening so we went to Annunciation of the Lord Parish on Ogilve Road and prayed there together before Mary’s Grotto . There were just the two of us. I posted a few photos and a small video at the link below


Ontario 2021

In front of Precious Blood church – Victoria Park & Lawrence Ave.

This is the first rally ever that happened in this parish and people were very excited! There were 70 people who attended including our pastor, a resident priest, and our transitional deacon. Legion of Mary, CWL, K of C, Youth Group, Liturgical Com., Uno Sangui Cristi, Saint Vincent de Paul, parish counters, sacristans, and parishioners were very helpful and supportive to make our rally successful.

British Columbia 2021

Holy Family church

We held our rosary rally in the church.
We had Twenty-one people attend.
Eight people came forward to help put signs up
Lead the rosary
Read intercessions and other readings add music
Hand out information

while we were not in a high traffic area
The overall reaction of those who participated
Was thankful and positive to have the opportunity to have and be included in this event.
It has also encouraged us to be involved and try new things and be more visible for next year.

Ontario 2021

1372 King St. West, Toronto, ON

We met at the corner of the Holy Family Church building, by the Statue of Blessed Mother. I had two volunteers to hold the Banner. We started the prayers at 12 PM. with 5 people including the Priest, Fr. Martin, and later on, arrived few more people. In all were 13 plus two children and it was solemn. Our Lady took off the rain and send down few Sun rays. We didn’t encounter disruptions from passing by people, in fact, one fellow joined for 10 minutes and told us he has not been attending the Church. But, did not stay to the end. Some of the attendants were new this year and were quite happy at the end of the event.

Ontario 2021

4333 Bloor St W, Etobicoke, ON M9C 2A5

There was 9 of us. A few people stopped by, reverently bowed and made the sign of the cross, and went on their way. We felt so happy that we were able to help people think about our Lady and Our Lord Jesus Christ, even if it was just for a few minutes!

Ontario 2021

232 guelph st Georgetown ON

12 people came to the rally. It was the first time for me but it was an excellent experience to witness the Lord and his Mother’s love. We started on time and finished around 1 pm. It was on the main crossroad of The small city of Georgetown. One person came to ask about Jesus and we are going to take care of him in the coming days. Some people were negligent and others were positive and we only see one negative cursing.

Ontario 2021


God is Good …especially to those who honor His Mother. Everyone said the rally was Blessing and so have already committed to next year’s rally. I’m would be happy to be Captain again.

Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021

Mapleview & Essa, Barrie, ON

12 people attended the Rally. We prayed the Rosary together and all the prayers suggested in the Manuel. We added the Salve Regina song to it. I made my own posters or signs to hold during the Rally. We had a lot of rain and strong winds but we managed to continue. Public reactions were mostly positive. We had a really good day!


Ontario 2021


Alberta 2021


We gathered at 12:00 noon today. We prayed and sang outside the Fire Hall, in Heisler, enjoying a beautiful sunny day.

Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021


Good afternoon! On behalf of my parish Precious Blood Church, Scarborough, Ontario, I would like to express my sincerest thank you to you and to the entire team of “Canada Needs Our Lady”! This is our first Rosary Rally and it was a big success!

Ontario 2021

Niagara Falls

I have to tell you, it was an overcast day, as soon as we started to pray, the sun peeked out 2 times, what joy it brought to our hearts. We are always so very touched by the rally each time, we so love it!

The pictures were in front of St. Thomas More Catholic Church, Niagara Falls Ontario.

God Bless,

Dolora & Marcello Multari


Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021

Mississauga, Ontario

This Rally was in front of St. Catherine of Siena Church in Mississauga. 21 People attended this rally. The people were very receptive to this event.

Alberta 2021


Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021


Ontario 2021


It was a beautiful event
Everybody was so happy and joyful, we truly felt the presence of Our Lady
Despite the rain and clouds the sun shone upon us
God bless you

Manitoba 2021
