


Kitchener RR 2014 (36)
Kitchener RR 2014 (19)

Kitchener RR 2014 (55)


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Everything went well, and we had almost 35 people attend. Thanks be to Our Lady, there was no rain and the temperature was good. We had the privilege of having with us Father George from Saint Mary’s basilica, and we had him crown the Blessed Mother who oversaw our rally. After having read the intentions of the rally, I asked him to add any intention he may like. He simply said, “The banner says it all, to pray for Christian Civilization.” He had the RR invitation posted in the church. The first picture you view is that of Prof. Edward Vrscay, a good friend of ours, who was very instrumental in organizing the rally. It was held at the clock tower in Queen Victoria Park.

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