The Story of the Miraculous Medal

In 1830, Our Lady gave her children a powerful “helping hand.” Appearing to St. Catherine Laboure, she requested that a medal be cast with the words “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” Immediately upon its distribution, astounding miracles of healing and conversion began taking place across Europe and around the world.

The Story of the Miraculous Medal will be an excellent addition to your library. Learn about the humble and obedient Daughter of Charity, Catherine Laboure, and her doubting confessor, Fr. Aladel. Be inspired by the extraordinary conversion of the prominent Jewish banker, Alphonse Ratisbonne.

Plus! You will read documented accounts of many miracles that occurred when men and women turned with faith to the Mother of God.

Let your faith in Mary’s power to help you be rekindled once more as you read your FREE copy of The Story of the Miraculous Medal—A Helping Hand from Heaven.

Soft Cover

Pages: 136

This offer is available ONLY for Canadian residents. While quantities last.

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