
Fundraising Disclosure

Our LadyCanada Needs Our Lady is a special campaign of the Canadian Society for the Defence of Christian Civilization (“CSDCC”) to win the hearts and minds of Canadians for Mary.

CSDCC raises funds “to advance religion by the promotion of the religious teachings, tenets, doctrines, morals, and observances of the Roman Catholic faith and their application to individuals, families, and society in Christian culture and civilization.”

We estimate it will cost $49,725 annually to raise $750,000 in donations nationwide through mailings, personal contacts, e-mail appeals, our website, CanadaNeedsOurLady.org, and CanadaHelps.org.

For further information, please contact our office at 1-844-729-6279. Our address is P.O. Box 36040, Greenfield Park, QC  J4V 3N7.

We are a federally incorporated non-profit corporation and our registered charity number is 807291737RR0001.

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