"An American Knight: The Life of
John W. Ripley, USMC."

It is safe to say that since the dawn of history no warrior has captured man’s imagination as much as the medieval knight. However, these knights were known for more than their wartime deeds alone. They also personified the Christian virtues to a high degree. They are the stuff of which legends are made!

Thus, anyone who tries to compare any modern man with these mythical warriors has his work cut out for him. However, this is the task which Norman Fulkerson has striven to accomplish in this book.

In it, he recounts the crib-to-grave biography of a great American hero, Colonel John W. Ripley, making An American Knight: The Life of Colonel John W. Ripley USMC an engaging read that will be hard to put down, regardless of the reader’s background.

Hard Cover

Pages: 218, with 33 illustrations

Published by The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family & Property

This offer is available ONLY for Canadian residents. While quantities last.

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