This Public Rosary was attended mostly by parishioners of Immaculate Conception Parish in Delta. It was held in honour of Our Lady in the month of May, 2017. More than 65 people including several children attended.

This Public Rosary was attended mostly by parishioners of Immaculate Conception Parish in Delta. It was held in honour of Our Lady in the month of May, 2017. More than 65 people including several children attended.
We were a small group mostly from the Immaculate Conception Parish in North Delta, but we had 6 nationalities, and the youngest was 14, the oldest was 84! Hail Mary! Praise God!
We pray that our meager prayers will find favor with Our Lord through the intercession of Our Lady and our Father in Faith, St Joseph for the correction of the direction our country has taken but especially for souls that are being led astray.
Our Lady of Mercy Grotto, Burnaby BC
Our Rosary Rally was held on Oct.10, 2020. The sky was dark and gloomy at the beginning of the Rosary Rally. As the prayer progressed, the clouds cleared and the sun shone brightly as if Mama Mary was smiling and proud of us while watching our group from above. Thank you, “Our Loving Mother” for giving us the opportunity to express our love to you through this rosary rally.
Our rally was held in a busy street with pedestrians, car wash overpowering and cars were rolling. It was raining all night and on the day of the rally, the sun came out around noon. The rally was successful and rewarding despite of physical and social distancing due to the pandemic. We are grateful to reach to our community and look forward to serve Our Lord and Our Lady.
Public Square Rosary Rally
Sacred Heart Cathedral Catholic Women’s League hosted its first ever Rosary Rally to coincide with the national campaign of Canada Need Our Lady to take back the public square. Though many were invited, few attended on the Saturday of the Thanksgiving Weekend. This day is chosen as it is nearest Saturday to the 102nd anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun (October 13, 1917). At noon as busy traffic passed Third and Columbia, Catholics sang Immaculate Mary and O Sanctissima and prayed the Angelus, Rosary, Litany of the Blessed Virgin and others for the 2019 Intentions for the Public Square Rosary Crusade which included:
– To show God and His Blessed Mother our love and veneration, we offer this rosary rally as a special public commemoration of the 102nd Year Anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima.
– Through the most Holy Rosary, we ask Our Lord and Our Lady for the conversion of Canada so that it may fulfill its historic mission.
– To stop the waves of sacrilege, blasphemy and anti-religious hatred within our society.
– That our national leaders would seek to honour God’s Law and pray for the wisdom and knowledge necessary
to solve Canada’s complex problems.
– For the urgent triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Canada and the world especially as a result of our massive prayers and acts of reparation offered at these 102nd anniversary rallies.
nIn reparation for the countless sins which are committed daily against the most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the most Immaculate Heart of Mary.
– For the Catholic Church. May Our Lady grant it victory over its enemies, declared and undeclared.
See for more information. Plan to hold your own Rosary Rally or join with another group next year.
Our Public Square Rosary was attended approximately by 40 people. At a Public Park on South Surrey, BC. And thank you for giving me the opportunity to pray the Rosary in public and to be a bold and proud Catholic. Just for your records I am an eighty one years old woman and I already sign-up to become again Capitan for the Square Rosary Rally 2020. I am praying to God to give me life and health to fulfill my promise.
Yours in Christ
Over 30 people this time which is twice what we normally have. No pictures yet as we had only one lady with a cell phone and she is not set up for e-mail. Usually my wife takes a picture but wasn’t there this year.
There was another “living rosary” in the church at 4:30 followed by a potluck supper. Unfortunately only 20 people showed up for that.
Not sure what’s going to happen next year but everyone seemed to love what we did.
Thanks for making this happen.
Best regards, Norman Jay
We decided to pray this final Public Rosary for the centennial year of the Miracles at Fatima in honour of the Feast of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception. Most of those who attended were from the Parish of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception in North Delta.
Rosary to Our Lady in her month of May, 2017. A group of 67 people, mostly from the Immaculate Conception Parish of Delta, attended.
We had a successful Rosary Rally in Annieville Lions Park, Delta, B.C.
Approximately 50 people attended from Immaculate Conception Parish, Delta
and St. Joseph Parish, Richmond, B.C. Our Lady has blessed us with good dry weather and great participation from the parishioners.
Public Square Rosary Rally held at Francis Park near the Surrey Fleetwood Library, Surrey, British Columbia. Around 40 people approximately attended our Rally. The lady who came with her four little children in the last picture, really touched our hearts.
We pray that our meager prayers will find favor with Our Lord through the intercession of Our Lady and our Father in Faith, St Joseph for the correction of the direction our country has taken but especially for souls that are being led astray.
We were a small group mostly from the Immaculate Conception Parish in North Delta, but we had 6 nationalities, and the youngest was 14, the oldest was 84! Hail Mary! Praise God!
This Public Rosary was attended mostly by parishioners of Immaculate Conception Parish in Delta. It was held in honour of Our Lady in the month of May, 2017. More than 65 people including several children attended.
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