
Saint John Joseph of the Cross

Saint John Joseph of the Cross

Feast Day: March 5th

On August 15, 1654 on the island of Ischia, off the coast of Naples, a little boy was born to an exemplary, well-to-do couple, Joseph and Laura Calosirto. Baptized the same day, the new arrival was given the name of Carlo Caetano.

One of seven boys, five of which were to enter religion, Carlo gave early signs of seeking sanctity, which his family recognized and respected.

At sixteen Carlo had a talk with the superior of the Franciscan Monastery of Santa Lucia del Monte in Naples. Discerning a great vocation, the superior received him despite his youth. The new novice did not disappoint his superiors to the point that at age twenty-one, and not yet a priest, he was appointed superior of a new monastery in Piedmont.

Saint John Joseph of the CrossThough he wished to remain a deacon like his founder, St. Francis of Assisi, his superiors insisted that he be ordained, and so he was in 1677. Despite his youth and innocence he proved to be an exceptional, insightful confessor.

Fr. John Joseph spent his life in the service of his order at times as superior, at times as novice master, always a loving, balanced and wise director of souls.

At one period of great aridity in his life he was consoled by a vision of a departed brother who reassured him as to his condition. After this incident, Fr. John Joseph began to demonstrate the powers of a wonder worker, with miraculous cures and the multiplication of food for the house.

His fame spread so quickly that when he returned to Ischia to visit his dying mother, his town acclaimed him as a saint.

In 1722, Fr. John Joseph was the wise and tactful arbiter in a great conflict that arose regarding the management of his order.

Warned of his death, he talked freely of it to those about him but continued to carry out his duties hearing confessions and practicing mortification. On March 1, 1734 he had an apoplectic seizure and died five days later. Almost immediately his tomb became a place of pilgrimage. He was canonized in 1839.

“Doubt not; trust in God, He will provide.”

He is the patron siant of Ischilia, Italy.

Written by America Needs Fatima, Jun 30, 2015

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Pope Saint Sylvester I

Pope Saint Sylvester I

Feast Day: December 31st

Pope Saint Sylvester ILittle is historically known about Pope Sylvester, though legend adds a few anecdotes.

It is known that his father was a Roman by name of Rufinus. He succeeded Pope Miltiades in 314 and reigned for twenty-one years.

With Emperor Constantine’s Edict of Milan in 313, Christianity was finally granted freedom. Legend has it, that having contracted leprosy, Emperor Constantine was healed after receiving baptism at the hand of St. Sylvester, and that afterwards, he made many gifts to the Church.

In any case, with the Edict of Milan, things certainly became easier for the Church.

It was during the reign of St. Sylvester that several great basilicas were built by Constantine: The Lateran, Santa Croce, St. Peter in the Vatican, and several cemetery churches over the graves of the martyrs. No doubt, St. Sylvester was involved in the construction of these churches.

St. Sylvester also contributed to the development of the Roman liturgy, and it was during his reign that the first martyrology was drawn up. Sylvester also established a Roman school of singing, and built a church over the Catacomb of St. Priscilla.

Pope Sylvester took part in the Council of Nicaea at which the heresy of Arianism was condemned. He also sent legates to the First Ecumenical Council.

St. Sylvester died possibly on December 31 or was buried on that day of the year 335. At first buried in the church of St. Priscilla, his relics now rest in the church of English Catholics in Rome.

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 21, 2020

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Saint John the Evangelist

Saint John the Evangelist

Feast Day: December 27th

John was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, the son of Zebedee and Salome, and the brother of James the Greater. In the Gospels, the brothers are often called “the sons of Zebedee”. Our Lord also called them “Boanerges” or “Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:17). The fact that John is usually mentioned after James seems to indicate that he was younger than his brother.

Saint John the EvangelistOriginally, John fished with his father and brother in the lake of Genezareth. He was probably among the disciples of John the Baptist, when the Lord attached him to His apostolic college.

John is mentioned numerous times in the Scriptures, in Acts 1:13 as second after Peter. He seems to hold a prominent position among the apostles. Peter, James and he were the only witnesses to the raising of Jairus’ daughter (Mark 5:37), of the Transfiguration (Matt.17:1), and of the Agony in the Garden (Matt.26:37).

At the Last Supper, he was the one that leaned his head on the Lord’s chest. According to pious tradition and private revelation, he was the first recipient of the devotion to Our Lord’s Most Sacred Heart.

Of all the apostles, John was the only one that was not married, and a virgin.

At the foot of the cross, he was the only one of the apostles standing with Mary Most Holy, and it was to him that the dying Savior entrusted His beloved Mother’s keeping and protection.

After the Lord’s death, John seems to have labored with the other apostles for several years in Palestine until the persecution of Herod Agrippa led to the scattering of the apostles throughout the Roman Empire. John went to Asia Minor, including to Ephesus, where a pious tradition holds that he took the Blessed Mother to live.

One of the four evangelists, St. John is the author of the fourth and last Gospel. He wrote the Apocalypse on the Island of Patmos and was the only apostle not to suffer martyrdom but to die of natural causes around the age of 100.

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 22, 2020

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Saint Delphinus of Bordeaux

Saint Delphinus of Bordeaux

Feast Day: December 24th

While little is known of St. Delphinus before his elevation to the episcopal see of Bordeaux in France, as a bishop he soon became renowned for his vigilance in defense of the Truth.

Saint Delphinus of BordeauxThe saintliest princes of the Church at the time were honored to be counted among his friends and to correspond with him, among them, St. Ambrose of Milan.

He was present at the Council of Saragossa in 380, at which the Priscillian heresy was condemned. This heresy argued that the renunciation of marriage and the acceptance of asceticism were prerequisites for following Christ.

St. Delphinus later assembled a Council at Bordeaux, his episcopal city, whose assembly also condemned the same errors. Such was the force and zealous preaching of the Bishop of Bordeaux against those that propagated this heresy in his territory that it undermined their influence entirely and they soon abandoned the region for Italy.

In 388, St. Delphinus baptized the future Bishop of Nola, St. Paulinus, and inspired in him the desire to live a life of perfection. St. Paulinus spoke of him as his father and master.

In several letters, St. Paulinus speaks of St. Delphinus as his father and his master. The saintly Bishop of Bordeaux died on Christmas Eve in the year 403 becoming his feast day.

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 21, 2020

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Saint Lucy

Saint Lucy

Feast Day: December 13th

Saint Lucy - Virgin & Martyr Lucy is one of the martyrs mentioned in the Canon of the Mass, and she is regarded as the glory of the island of Sicily. A native of Syracuse, she was the daughter of wealthy Christian parents.

Her father died when she was a child, and her mother, Eutychia, raised her with the utmost care, teaching her the path of Christian virtue. Lucy so took to the path of virtue that, wishing to belong to God alone, she vowed her virginity to Him. Her mother, unaware of this vow and afflicted with an unrelenting illness, betrothed Lucy to a wealthy young pagan.

As Eutychia’s illness persisted, they visited the shrine of St. Agatha at Catania, close to Syracuse. There, St. Agatha, who had been martyred about fifty years earlier, appeared to Lucy granting her mother’s cure and predicting that she, Lucy, would be the glory of Syracuse as she, Agatha, was of Catania.

After this experience, Lucy revealed her plans to her mother and convinced her to distribute their fortune to the poor.

Furious at this turn of events, Lucy’s fiancé, now certain she was a Christian, denounced her to Paschasius, the Governor of Syracuse. Lucy was ordered to offer incense to the idols, but at her refusal, her enemies tried to take her to a brothel for defilement. This proved impossible as she became so heavy she could not be moved.

They then tried to burn her, but the flames parted leaving the maiden untouched. She finally met her death by the sword.

She is portrayed holding a pair of eyes on a platter. Some accounts say that her eyes were tortured, others that she gouged them out to discourage her suitor. In any case, she is particularly invoked for ailments of the eyes, or eyesight problems.

The emblem of eyes on a cup or plate apparently reflects popular devotion to her as protector of sight, because of her name, Lucia (from the Latin word "lux" which means "light").

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 18, 2020

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Saint Edmund the Martyr

Saint Edmund the Martyr

Feast Day: November 20th

Saint Edmund the MartyrBorn on Christmas day 841, Edmund the Martyr was king of East Anglia from about 855 until his death.

Though only about fifteen years old when crowned in 855, Edmund showed himself a model ruler from the first, anxious to treat all with equal justice, and closing his ears to flatterers and untrustworthy informers.

In his eagerness for prayer, he retired for a year to his royal tower at Hunstanton and learned the whole Psalter by heart, in order that he might afterwards recite it regularly.

In 870 Edmund bravely repulsed the two Danish chiefs, Hinguar and Hubba, who had invaded his dominions.

However, they soon returned with overwhelming numbers, and pressed terms upon him which as a Christian he felt bound to refuse. In his desire to avert a fruitless massacre, he disbanded his troops and himself retired towards Framlingham; on the way he fell into the hands of the invaders.

Having loaded the king with chains, his captors conducted him to Hinguar, whose impious demands he again rejected, declaring his religion dearer to him than his very life.

His martyrdom took place in 870 at Hoxne in Suffolk. After beating him with clubs, the Danes tied him to a tree, and cruelly tore his flesh with whips.

Throughout these tortures Edmund continued to call upon the name of Jesus, until at last, exasperated by his constancy, his enemies began to discharge arrows at him.

This cruel sport was continued until his body had the appearance of a porcupine, when Hinguar commanded his head to be struck off. From his first burial-place at Hoxne his relics were removed in the tenth century to Beodricsworth, since called Bury St. Edmunds, where arose the famous abbey of that name.

His feast is observed November 20, and he is represented in Christian art with sword and arrow, the instruments of his torture.

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 24, 2015

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Saint Victorinus of Pettau

Saint Victorinus of Pettau

Feast Day: November 2nd

Bishop and Martyr – Born: Third Century – Died: 304 A.D.

Painting by Bernardino Zenale of Saint Jerome (far right) with Our Lady, the Infant Jesus and St. Ambrose (far left)The little known of his life is provided by the great St. Jerome (De viris ill. 74). Born in Greece in the mid-third century, Victorinus spoke Greek better than Latin, which explains why St. Jerome expressed the opinion that his works written in Latin were more remarkable for their matter than for their style. Bishop of the City of Pettau, he was the first theologian to use Latin for his exegesis.

His works are mainly exegetical, meaning that he spent his life in the critical interpretation of biblical text to discover its intended meaning. Victorinus composed commentaries on various books of Holy Scripture, such as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Habakkuk, Ecclesiastes, the Canticle of Canticles, St. Matthew, and the Apocalypse, besides treatises against the heresies of his time. All that has survived is his Commentary on Apocalypse and the short tract on the construction of the world (De fabrica mundi).

Victorinus was very influenced by Origen, an early Christian scholar, ascetic, and theologian who was born and spent the first half of his career in Alexandria. His works were ranked with the apocrypha and other writings. St. Jerome gives him an honorable place in his catalogue of ecclesiastical writers.

The Commentary on the Apocalypse

As his greatest surviving work, let us take a look at The Commentary on the Apocalypse. This exegetical work was composed not long after the Valerian Persecution, about 260 A.D. According to Claudio Moreschini, "The interpretation is primarily allegorical, with a marked interest in arithmology… It seems that he did not give a running commentary on the entire text but contented himself with a paraphrase of selected passages. 1

Saint Victorinus was apparently the first of the Church Fathers to ascertain the basic notion of “repetition” – that the Apocalypse is not one uninterrupted and developing line of prophecy, but rather that various subdivisions run parallel with each other. And he saw that the theme of the soon coming Second Advent was a continuous thread of thought throughout the Apocalypse. 2

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, St. George altar, in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Zagreb, Croatia.He wrote of the seven churches as representing seven classes of Christians within the church. The seven seals are explained as constituting a prophetic preview of the spread of the gospel throughout the world. In connection with the Second Advent and the end of the world he looked for wars, famines, pestilences and persecution of the church.

The crowned rider of the four horsemen seated upon the white horse, going forth "conquering, and to conquer," is interpreted as prophetic of Christ's church going forth on its victorious mission, the triumph of Christianity over paganism. The red horse is explained as "coming wars," predicted as significant events preceding the end. The black horse, Victorinus avers, signifies "famines" in the time of the Antichrist. The pale horse meant "coming destructions." 3

The angel with the seal in chapter 7 symbolizes Elias the prophet as the "precursor of the times of Antichrist." Then comes the kingdom of Antichrist and finally the angel reapers smite the kingdom of Antichrist, delivering the saints. 4

The first and second angels of Revelation 14 are the predicted Elias and Jeremiah, witnessing before the Second Advent and end of the world, ushering in the eternal kingdom. The leopard beast of Revelation 14 signifies the kingdom of the time of Antichrist. Victorinus considers the 666 of verse 18 as the computation of letters, each of which comprise the equivalent number, of an assortment of possible names.

Saint Victorinus believed that after the seven plagues of the last days in Revelation 15, Babylon, in Revelation 17, is identified as Rome seated upon her "seven hills," drunk with the blood of martyrs. The seven heads of the seven-hilled Rome are believed, in their immediate application, to represent seven emperors, the sixth being Domitian, with the eighth who is "of the seven," as Nero. 5 Victorinus interpreted the "thousand years" in Revelation 20, in which Satan is bound, as occurring "in the first advent of Christ, even to the end of the age." 6

The Martyrdom of Saint Victorinus

(Taken from Rev. Alban Butler (1711-1773), in his Lives of the Saints, Volume 2)

Calcografia (engraving on copper plates used for printmaking and illustrations) of Emperor Numerian in whose reign Saint Victorinus won his crown of martyrdom.Saint Victorinus and six companions were citizens of Corinth, and confessed their faith before Tertius the proconsul, in their own country, in 249, in the beginning of the reign of Decius.

After their torments they passed into Egypt, whether by compulsion or by voluntary banishment is not known, and there finished their martyrdom at Diospolis, capital of Thebais, in the reign of Numerian, in 284, under the governor Sabinus.

After the governor had tried the constancy of martyrs by racks, scourges, and various inventions of cruelty, he caused Victorinus to be thrown into a great mortar (the Greek Menology says, of marble.)

The executioners began by pounding his feet and legs, saying to him at every stroke: “Spare yourself, wretch. It depends upon you to escape this death, if you will only renounce your new God.”

The prefect grew furious at his constancy, and at length commanded his head to be beaten to pieces. The sight of this mortar, so far from casting a damp on his companions, seemed to inspire them with the greater ardor to be treated in the like manner.

Header Image: Fresco of Saint Victorinus, found in a church in Nova Cerkev, a settlement in eastern Slovenia.


  • 1 “Quasten, Johannes. Patrology, Vol. 2, Thomas More Pr; (1986), ISBN 978-0870611414, p. 413
  • 2 Froom 1950, p. 338.
  • 3 Froom 1950, p. 339.
  • 4 Froom 1950, p. 340.
  • 5 Froom 1950, p. 343.
  • 6 Froom 1950, p. 344.
Written by Tonia Long, August 27, 2021

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Saint Gaudentius of Brescia

Saint Gaudentius of Brescia

Feast Day: October 25th

Saint Antoine Marie ClaretGaudentius succeed St. Philastrius as Bishop of Brescia, Italy, under whom he seems to have studied, and whom he calls his “father”. Prior to his election, being very popular in Brescia, Gaudentius went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem hoping to be forgotten. But upon returning and finding that his mentor had died, he also found that the Brescians would have no other as successor.

He was consecrated by St. Ambrose in 387.

A record of Gaudentius’ discourse made at the time of his elevation survives.

Brescia rejoiced in the treasure of so holy a pastor. A nobleman, Benevolus, who had been disgraced by the Empress Justina for refusing to uphold Arian beliefs, had retired to Brescia. Being ill, and missing the bishop’s Easter sermons, he convinced Gaudentius to write them for his benefit. Thus, several of his sermons survive.

In 405, Pope Innocent I and Emperor Honorius charged Gaudentius to defend St. John Chrysostom, a personal friend of the bishop, before Emperor Arcadius. St. John Chrysostom had been unjustly accused by a heretic and exiled, and he had been replaced by another.

Ill received, the delegates were imprisoned in Thrace. Ultimately, they were returned safely to Italy, though in a most untrustworthy vessel. Despite the failure of the mission, St. John Chrysostom sent a letter of thanks to his friend.

Gaudentius died around the year 410.

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 16, 2015

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Saint Anthony Maria Claret

Saint Anthony Maria Claret

Feast Day: October 24th

Saint Antoine Marie ClaretBorn in 1807 in Sallent, Barcelona, Spain, Anthony practiced his father’s trade of weaving cloth. In his spare time, he learned Latin and printing. At twenty-two he entered the Seminary at Vich, and was ordained in 1835.

After an attempt to enter the Jesuits in Rome and join the missions, which was thwarted by poor health, he was advised to dedicate himself to the evangelization of his countrymen. For ten years he preached missions and retreats throughout Catalonia. His zeal inspired others to join in his work and in 1849 he founded the Congregation of Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Known as "the Claretians," the institute flourished in Spain, the Americas and beyond.

Shortly after this great work was inaugurated, Fr. Claret was appointed Archbishop of Cuba. The task was one of exceptional difficulty. His efforts to bring about a much-needed reform were vehemently resisted and several attempts were made upon his life. In one of those, he was seriously wounded.

Having resigned as Archbishop of Cuba in 1857, Anthony returned to Spain and was appointed confessor to Queen Isabel II. He firmly refused to reside at court, and only remained at court the time strictly necessary to accomplish his duties.

In the course of his life St. Anthony is said to have preached 10,000 sermons and published 200 books or pamphlets for the instruction and inspiration of the clergy and the faithful. While rector of the Escorial, he established a science laboratory, a museum of natural history, schools of music and languages, and other institutions.

Deeply united to God, he was endowed with supernatural graces, ecstasies, the gift of prophecy, and the miraculous healing of bodies.

In Rome, toward the end of his life, he helped promote the definition of papal infallibility.

Falling fatally ill in France, he went to his reward in the Cistercian monastery of Fontfroide on October 24, 1870. He was canonized in 1950.

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 22, 2020

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Saint Bruno

Saint Bruno

Feast Day: October 6th

Saint BrunoBruno, of a prominent family of Cologne, was born in this ancient city around the year 1030. A promising scholar, he studied at the cathedral school of Rheims, and was ordained to the priesthood in his native Cologne.

In 1056 he became a professor of grammar and theology at his former school in Rheims where he taught brilliantly for eighteen years. Many eminent scholars and philosophers studied under him and did him honor throughout Europe, including Eudes de Châtillon, later Pope Urban II, who convoked the First Crusade.

In 1076, he was appointed chancellor of the diocese, and was about to be elected as Archbishop of Rheims when he announced he was retiring into solitude. At first, Saint Bruno placed himself under the direction of Robert of Molesmes, who later was instrumental in the founding of the Abbey of Citeaux.

Later, given land by St. Hugh, the Bishop of Grenoble, he and six other followers settled in the mountainous reaches of Chartreuse where they first build an oratory surrounded by individual cells. Such was the origin of the Order of the Carthusians, which takes its name from Chartreuse.

A great admirer of the Order's founder, Bishop Hugh made his spiritual retreats at the Chartreuse where he took Bruno for his spiritual father.

Saint BrunoHearing of his sanctity, and personally acquainted with his prudence and knowledge, his former pupil, now Pope Urban II, summoned Bruno to Rome. Although this presented a great trial for the saint, he obeyed, leaving one of his disciples, Landuin, as prior of the Chartreuse.

In Rome Bruno served the Holy Pontiff in various capacities, including helping in the preparation of several synods with the aim of reforming the clergy. Pressed by the pope to accept the archbishopric of Reggio in Calabria, Saint Bruno earnestly excused himself, begging to be allowed to live in solitude. Pope Urban II finally consented that he retire into Calabria, but not so far off as Chartreuse.

With the help of a noble friend, Count Roger, the saint settled in the valley of La Torre with a few new disciples from Rome. Here he embraced the life of solitude with more joy and fervor than ever. It was here also, that Landuin visited him on behalf of the monks of the Chartreuse. They wished to consult their founder as to the manner in which their monastery should follow more faithfully in the spirit of its founder. Bruno instructed, comforted and urged them to perseverance and blessed them.

As he felt death approaching in 1101, Bruno gathered his monks about him and made a public confession of his life, and a profession of faith, which was lovingly preserved by his spiritual sons. He resigned his soul to God on October 6 in the year 1101.

According to Carthusian custom, which shuns all form of publicity, Bruno was never formally canonized. Nevertheless, in 1514, the Order obtained permission from Pope Leo X to keep Bruno’s feast. In 1674, Pope Clement X extended the commemoration of his feast to the Universal Church.

Written by America Needs Fatima, April 30, 2015

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Blessed Raymond of Capua

Blessed Raymond of Capua

Feast Day: October 5th

Called “the second founder of the Dominicans”, Raymond della Vigna was born in Capua of a prominent family in the kingdom of Naples. He entered the Dominican Order when attending the university in Bologna and went on to fill several posts, including prior in Rome and lector in Florence and Siena.

While in the latter city, he met St. Catherine of Siena and was appointed her confessor. At first he accepted the assignment without enthusiasm as he had doubts about the young mystic. But after a stunning proof of her authenticity, which he relates in his biography of her, he guided her fervently, becoming her closest advisor.

Raymond of Capua

Through the years he was involved in most of Catherine’s undertakings, including a call for a Crusade, the reconciliation of Florence with the papacy, and the plea to Pope Gregory XI to return to Rome from Avignon in France.

During a plague that struck Siena, Raymond fell ill while aiding the victims and was nursed back to health by St. Catherine

When the great schism started in 1378 both saints supported Urban VI against the anti-pope Clement VII. After Catherine’s death in 1380, Raymond continued to strive for a settlement of the great crisis and was elected Master General of the Dominicans.

At the helm of the Order until his death in Nuremberg, he worked for the reform of the houses, and the strict observance of the Dominican Rule. Originally buried in Nuremberg, his body was later transferred to the Church of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples. He was beatified by Pope Leo XIII in 1899, the fifth centenary of his death.

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 18, 2020

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Saint Gabriel Taurin Dufresse

Saint Gabriel Taurin Dufresse

Feast Day: September 14th

Gabriel Taurin Dufresse, of Lezoux, France, was ordained a priest of the Society for Foreign Missions of Paris at the age of twenty-four.

In 1776 he arrived in China to undertake his missionary labors in the country's Szechwan Province. The renewed persecution of Chinese Christians in 1784 led to Father Dufresse's arrest. He soon escaped from prison and was taken in by a Chinese Catholic family.

In obedience to his religious superior, Fr. Dufresse subsequently surrendered himself to the pagan authorities after an auxiliary bishop instructed all the priests staying with families to turn themselves in rather than expose their hosts to the danger of arrest. Father Dufresse was imprisoned and then exiled to Macao.

Memorial plaque for the 120 Martyr Saints of China at Saint Francis Xavier Church (Ho Chi Minh City)In 1789 he managed to return to Szechwan Province. In the years that followed, his missionary labors were blessed with increasing success. In 1800 he was consecrated an auxiliary bishop and appointed apostolic vicar of Szechwan, and in 1803, at a time of relative peace, he presided over the first synod in China. This synod would have great importance for the future development of the Chinese church.

The resumption of intense anti-Christian persecution in 1805 put Bishop Dufresse in so much danger that he had to change his place of residence almost daily. A decree in 1811 condemned to death all leaders of European religions and in 1815 Dufresse’s identity was discovered.

Chinese horrors and persecutions of the Christians.In May of 1815, he was re-captured. Augustine Zhao Rong was a Chinese soldier who accompanied Bishop Dufresse to his martyrdom on September 14, 1815 at Chengdu, Sichuan, China. The Chinese soldier was so inspired by Bishop Dufresse that he himself was baptized and became a priest. Later, he was martyred together with 119 companions for their faith in Jesus. Their feast day is on 9 July.

Sentenced to death by beheading, St. Gabriel Taurin Dufresse earned the crown of martyrdom on September 14, 1815. The saintly bishop’s head was attached to a pole and his body left exposed for three days as a warning to others. This body was later buried by local Christians.

Pope Leo XIII declared him as venerable on 2 July 1899 and beatified him on 27 May 1900. He was Canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 1, 2000.

Written by Tonia Long, August 10, 2021

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Saint Guy of Anderlecht

Saint Guy of Anderlecht

Feast Day: September 12th

Patron Saint of Anderlecht, Belgium; against mad dogs; against rabies; bachelors; epileptics; horned animals; laborers; protection of outbuildings, stables, and sheds; sacristans; work horses.

On September 12, Catholics celebrate the feast day of Saint Guy of Anderlecht, a Belgian Christian known as the “Poor Man of Anderlecht.” Rich in the love, generosity, and grace of God, Saint Guy was poor in material possessions throughout his life. He worked tirelessly at the most menial of tasks, and gained a reputation for almsgiving, despite his own lack of the most basic needs. Although he never joined a particular religious order, Saint Guy was visited for spiritual direction by many, and through his model, brought many closer to Christ.

Outside façade and interior of the Church of Saints Peter and Guy, Anderlecht, Belgium.

Guy was born in Anderlecht, Belgian, a small village outside of Brussels. Raised by pious parents, he demonstrated great devotion to the Lord and to Our Blessed Mother Mary. Throughout his childhood, he gave away all he had, and spent his days visiting the sick and elderly of the town. It is said that when he worked the fields of his parents, an angel came and pushed the plow so that he might better pray undisturbed. From the time of his youth he wished to count himself among the special flock of Christ—the poor—for his entire life, dedicating himself to a life of poverty and service to those who had nothing.

Painted panel of Saint Guido of Anderlecht on a wooden reliquary dated 1595.

Like his Lord before him, Guy “increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 2: 52) He spent hours in prayer each day, traveling frequently to the church of Our Lady at Laeken, outside Brussels. There he demonstrated such devotion to Mary that the priest approached him, and asked him to stay and serve the Church. Saint Guy joyfully remained in the church, constantly cleaning, sweeping, polishing the altars, and attending to the most menial needs during the day—stopping only to befriend and serve those who were poor and came on foot to the church looking for assistance.

Painting of Saint Guy of Anderlecht, by Gaspar de Crayer (1584 – 1669), a Flemish painter known for his many Counter-Reformation altarpieces and portraits.After a hard day’s labor, he spent each night in prayer, rarely sleeping, but instead could be found kneeling at the foot of the cross, praying for the poor.

One day a merchant from Brussels sought to take advantage of Guy, convincing him that through making more money, he could help more people. Seeing only the benefit in helping others, Guy left his post. The first ship bearing a cargo in which Guy had an interest, however, was lost. Realizing his mistake, Saint Guy humbly returned to the church only to find his position filled.

For seven years Guy engaged in severe acts of penance; he traveled on pilgrimage—on foot—visiting Rome and then the Holy Land, returning to Belgium and serving as a guide at the holy shrines.

Eventually, in his early sixties, Guy returned to Anderlecht, and died soon thereafter. In death, a golden light shone around him, and a heavenly voice was heard my many, proclaiming his eternal reward in heaven. He was buried in Anderlecht, and many miracles were attributed to his intercession at his grave.

Written by Tonia Long, August 4, 2021

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Saint Robert Bellarmine

Saint Robert Bellarmine

Feast Day: September 17th

Roberto Bellarmino was born into impoverished Tuscan nobility at Montepulciano on October 4, 1542. He was the third of ten children born to Vincenzo Bellarmino and Cinthia Cervini, a sister of Cardinal Marcello Cervini, who later became Pope Marcellus II. Educated at the Jesuit College in Montepulciano, he entered the Society of Jesus at the age of eighteen.

Saint Robert Bellarmine was ordained a priest in Flanders and quickly obtained a reputation both as a professor and a preacher, attracting Catholics and Protestants alike by his sermons.

In 1576 he was recalled to Italy, and entrusted with the chair of Controversies recently founded at the Roman College. He proved himself equal to the arduous task, and the lectures he delivered were later compiled into his most renowned work, “De Controversiis” - Disputations on the Controversies of the Christian Faith.

Hammer of Heresies

Bellarmine's monumental work was the earliest attempt to systematize the various controversies of the time, and made an immense impression throughout Europe. It dealt such a blow to the Reformation.

Saint Robert BellarmineSo numerous were the conversions wrought by it that Queen Elizabeth I of England decreed that anyone who was not a doctor in theology was forbidden to read Bellarmine’s writings under penalty of death. In recognition of his work, Benedict XV gave Bellarmine the title of “Hammer of Heresies” in 1921.

At the death of Pope Sixtus, the new pope, Gregory XIV, granted to Bellarmine’s work the distinction of a special approbation. Saint Robert Bellarmine resumed his work as Spiritual Father, and had the consolation of guiding the last years of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, known for his asceticism.

Many years later he had the further consolation of successfully promoting the beatification of the saintly youth. It was also at this time that he sat on the final commission for the revision of the Vulgate translation of the Holy Scriptures.

Becoming a Cardinal

Saint Robert Bellarmine In 1597 Clement VIII recalled him to Rome and made him his own theologian making him a Cardinal in 1599.

Upon growing elderly, he was made the chief advisor of the Holy See in the theological department of its administration.

Death and Canonization

His death in the summer of 1621 was most edifying and a fitting end to a life which had been no less remarkable for its virtues than for its tremendous achievements. Accordingly, there was a general expectation amongst those who knew him intimately that his cause would be promptly introduced and swiftly concluded. However, reality proved to be otherwise.

Although he was declared Venerable in 1627, technical obstacles arose in regards to the beatification process, delaying the progress of his cause for 300 years. Venerable Robert Bellarmine was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1930 and declared a Doctor of the Church and patron saint of catechists the following year.

His Eminence Robert Bellarmine became one of the most important figures of the Counter-Reformation and the period will be forever marked by his method of confronting heresy.

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 18, 2020

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Saint John Chrysostom

Saint John Chrysostom

Feast Day: September 13th

Saint John ChrysostomJohn – later surnamed Chrysostomos, meaning “golden-mouthed” so called on account of his eloquence – was born in Antioch in Syria around 347. Raised by his widowed mother, he studied under Libanius, a famous orator of the period.

In 374, he joined a community of hermits in the mountains south of Antioch. After four years under the direction of a Syrian monk, he left them, and for the next two years he lived as an anchorite in a cave. The conditions of his crude abode and the severity of his mortifications caused him to become dangerously ill, and he was obliged to return to Antioch in 381. John was ordained a deacon that same year and for twelve years afterwards he served as a deputy to Bishop Flavian.

Upon the death of Nectarius, Archbishop of Constantinople, John was selected for that see by Emperor Arcadius. In this position, Chrysostom did away with many expenses which some of his predecessors had considered necessary to the maintenance of their dignity and devoted the money saved thereby to the relief of the poor and the support of hospitals for the sick and infirm.

He also undertook the reformation of the clergy of his diocese by means of zealous exhortations and disciplinary actions which, though very necessary, were somewhat tactless in their severity. John added effect and force to these endeavors, by conducting himself as an exemplary model of what he desired so ardently to impress upon others.

Saint John ChrysostomChrysostom was banished from Constantinople in 403 after he delivered too zealous a sermon against immodesty and vanity. The Empress Eudoxia took his words as a direct insult against herself. His exile was of short duration however, because a slight earthquake that shook the city was taken as a terrifying sign by the superstitious lady.

Shortly afterwards he was again banished for preaching against the disorder, impropriety, and superstition occasioned by the public games commemorating the raising of a silver statue of Eudoxia in front of the great church dedicated to the Divine Wisdom.

He was exiled to a remote place called Cucusus in the Taurus Mountains of Armenia, where he suffered greatly from the heat, fatigue, and the cruelty and brutality of his guards. The local bishop, however, vied with his people in showing the aging patriarch every mark of kindness and respect.

When a council was called by Pope Innocent and the Emperor Honorius to restore him to his see, Chrysostom’s enemies instead imprisoned the appointed papal legates, and sent him into further exile in Pityus at the eastern end of the Black Sea. He suffered intensely from his forced travel in the scorching heat and wet weather. When he and his escorts reached the Church of St. Basiliscus in Comana in Cappadocia, the clergy there, seeing he was close to death, took him in, changed him into white garments and administered Extreme Unction to him.

He died the next day, September 14, 407, with the words "Glory to God in all things" on his lips.

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 18, 2020

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Saint Rose of Lima

Saint Rose of Lima

Feast Day: August 23rd

Born Isabel Flores y de Oliva on April 20, 1586, in Lima, the capital city of Peru, her nickname, “Rose,” came from a childhood incident in which a household servant attested to having seen the child’s face turn into a mystical rose.

She took the name formally as her own, at her confirmation in 1597 by the saintly Archbishop of Lima, Turibio de Mogrovejo.

Remarkable, even as a child, for her great reverence and love for all that related to God, she developed an intense devotion to the Infant Jesus and His Holy Mother, and gave herself up to a life of prayer and mortification. Industrious and adept, she became very proficient in the arts of sewing, embroidery and lace-making, and used her needle to help support her home and family, and as a means to assist the many poor who came to depend on her generous alms.

St Clare of AssisiIn imitation of St. Catherine, whom she took as a saintly role model, she fasted three times a week, wore rough clothing, and roughened her face and hands to combat the temptations to vanity. She spent hours on her knees before the Blessed Sacrament and contrary to the usual practice of the time, was a daily communicant.

Assailed by tremendous temptations against the Faith and the virtue of purity, which caused her excruciating agony of mind and desolation of soul, she multiplied her mortifications and prayers, and with her confessor’s approval, took a vow of virginity.

In this last resolve, Rose had to combat the opposition of her parents, who wished her to marry. The battle of wills continued for ten years until, won over by her patience and prayer, they gave their consent to her decision.

At the age of twenty, Rose received the habit of St. Dominic as a tertiary Dominican. From that moment onwards, the severity and variety of her mortifications redoubled.

With her brother’s help, she built herself a little cell from sun-dried bricks in the garden behind their home. Here she would retire at night for solitude and prayer and take whatever rest she permitted her body on a bed of broken glass and pottery, rough stones and thorns. She took to wearing an iron chain around her waist and a metal-spiked crown concealed about her head. Entire days without food would be followed by sleepless nights spent in prayer. During her suffering, Our Lord fortified her with the knowledge of His presence and consoled her with His love, frequently revealing Himself to her and drawing her soul into ecstasies that lasted for hours.

During these sublime embraces with God, she offered Him all her penances and mortifications in reparation for the offences against His Divine Majesty, for the sins of idolatry, for the conversion of sinners, and for the souls in Purgatory.

During her last illness, her constant prayer was "Lord, increase my sufferings, and with them increase Your love in my heart.” Rose died August 24, 1617 at the age of thirty-one years.

She was beatified by Clement IX in 1667 and canonized in 1671 by Clement X, thus becoming the first American-born saint.

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 9, 2017

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Saint Clare of Assisi

Saint Clare of Assisi

Feast Day: August 11th

St. Clare was co-foundress of what is known today as the Order of the Poor Clares, Abbess of San Damiano

As a child she was very pious, devoted to prayer and penance. At the age of 18 she met St. Francis who had come to preach at the church of San Giorgio. Inspired by his words and example, Saint Clare went to him to ask him to help her live a religious life of poverty. St. Francis, who at once recognized in Clare one of those chosen souls destined by God, promised to assist her.

Leaving home in secret, she met with St. Francis and his disciples whereupon St. Francis clothed her in a rustic tunic. Her father of Noble Ascent tried to persuade her to return to marry. After resisting her father’s attempt to drag her home, he finally relinquished, whereupon St. Francis provided her a dwelling next to the Chapel of San Damiano. Thus, was founded the first community of the order of Poor Clares.

Given the special privilege to practice total poverty in her order by Pope Gregory IX she heroically continued her mission to preach poverty throughout.

Saint Clare's miracles too were talked of far and wide. Here is a magnificent example:

St Clare of AssisiOnce, during an enemy attack against Assisi, the fierce Saracens invaded San Damiano, entered the confines of the monastery and even the very cloister.

Fainting in terror, their voices trembling with fear, they cried out to their Mother, Saint Clare. What happened next was recorded by the Franciscan friar, Tommaso da Celano:

“Saint Clare, with a fearless heart, commanded them to lead her, sick as she was, to the enemy, preceded by a silver and ivory case in which the Body of the Saint of saints was kept with great devotion.

And prostrating herself before the Lord, she spoke tearfully to her Christ:

‘Behold, my Lord, is it possible You want to deliver into the hands of pagans Your defenseless handmaids, whom I have taught out of love for You? I pray You, Lord, protect these Your handmaids whom I cannot now save by myself.’

Suddenly a voice like that of a child resounded in her ears from the tabernacle:

‘I will always protect you!’

‘My Lord,’ she added, ‘if it is Your wish, protect also this city which is sustained by Your love.’

Christ replied, ‘It will have to undergo trials, but it will be defended by My protection.’

Then the virgin, raising a face bathed in tears, comforted the sisters:

‘I assure you, daughters, that you will suffer no evil; only have faith in Christ.’

Upon seeing the courage of the sisters, the Saracens took flight and fled back over the walls they had scaled, unnerved by the strength of she who prayed.

Then, Saint Clare immediately admonished those who heard the voice I spoke of above, telling them severely: ‘Take care not to tell anyone about that voice while I am still alive, dearest daughters.’”

St Clare of AssisiThe miracles performed during her life by this first spiritual daughter of St. Francis were indeed numerous. Her confidence in her divine Spouse was total and unconditional. Having once renounced all earthly possessions for love of Him, she tenaciously thwarted every attempt – even by several well-meaning popes – to mitigate the absolute poverty she and her religious sisters had so willingly embraced.

After St. Francis’ death in 1226 and until her own in 1253, Clare continued to hold fast to the counsels St. Francis had given her and to direct the order in the true spirit of its founder: total renunciation of all earthly possessions and an unconquerable faith and confidence in Divine Providence.

Written by America Needs Fatima, July 9, 2015

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Saint Lawrence Martyr

Saint Lawrence Martyr

Feast Day: August 10th

St. Lawrence, one of the deacons of the Roman Church, was one of the victims of the persecution of Valerian in 258, like Pope Sixtus II and many other members of the Roman clergy.

St Lawrence MartyrAt the beginning of the month of August, in the year 258, the Roman emperor issued an edict, commanding that all bishops, priests, and deacons should be put to death.

This imperial command was immediately carried out in the city of Rome. On the 6th Pope Sixtus II was apprehended in one of the catacombs, and executed without delay.

As he was led to execution, Lawrence followed him. “Father, where are you going without your deacon?" he said. "I am not leaving you, my son," answered the Pope, "in three days you will follow me." Two other deacons, Felicissimus and Agapitus, were put to death the same day.

Three days later, on the 10th of August of that same year, Lawrence, the last of the seven deacons, also suffered a martyr’s death.

St. Ambrose of Milan and the poet Prudentius, give particular details about St. Lawrence’s death.

Ambrose relates that when St. Lawrence was asked to bring forth the treasures of the Church as being archdeacon of Rome Lawrence was entrusted to the care of the treasury and riches of Church, but mind you, also the distribution of alms to the poor. In response, Lawrence hastily traveled throughout the city, gathering the poor.

Photo by Herwig ReidlingerOn the third day, he brought them to the prefect, who believed the Church had treasure hidden away, and said, “These are the treasures of the Church." The disappointed prefect angrily condemned Lawrence to death.

The saint was stripped of his clothing and tied on top of a gird-iron over a slow fire that roasted his flesh little by little.

Defiant in spite of his intense suffering, the holy deacon audaciously commanded his executioners “Turn me over. That side is cooked.” The holy audacity of this deacon-martyr inspires noble souls until today.

Written by America Needs Fatima, Jul 9, 2015

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Saint John Mary Vianney

Saint John Mary Vianney

Feast Day: August 4th

St John Mary VianneyJohn Vianney was born in France in 1786, just three years before the beginning of the French Revolution. He grew up assisting a local priest offer the holy mass in secret, as religious persecution forced many of the Vianney’s and other Catholics into hiding.

At eighteen, John realized his vocation to the priesthood. Two years later he began studying in preparation for holy orders, but studying did not come easily to him. Instead of becoming a priest, he was drafted into the army in 1809.

Soon after, he found himself an accidental deserter: he was tricked by some fellow soldiers into abandoning his unit. He immediately reported to the mayor of the commune, who advised him to remain in hiding.

John lived dangerously, often narrowly escaping capture by concealing himself in hay bales. He returned home fourteen months later when the king proclaimed an amnesty for all defectors.

In 1813 he entered the seminary, after much hardship in his studies, John was ordained a deacon, then a priest on August 13, 1815.

In 1818 he was given care of a dilapidated parish in a remote part of France called Ars-en-Dombes.

Photo by Herwig ReidlingerThe 230 parishioners in Ars had become lax in their faith, and John preached relentlessly to them for twenty-five years about the importance of practicing modesty, avoiding blasphemy, profanity and obscenity, and unlawful work on Sunday.

Not only did Ars become a model Christian town, but his influence reached far beyond the confines of the country village.

He remained at Ars for a total of forty-one years. The year before he died, over 100,000 pilgrims visited Ars to see the holy man, who had become known as the Cure of Ars.

His three attempts to escape to live in the quiet seclusion of a monastery failed, and he died at Ars August 4, 1859. Over a thousand came to his funeral including the Bishop and all the priests of the diocese. Here lay their model.

John Mary Vianney was canonized on May 31, 1925 by Pius XI. Four years later, the same pope named him patron saint of parish priests throughout the world.

At the time miracles were performed during the time he was at Ars, he constantly gave credit to St. Philomena.

Saint John Mary Vianney’s incorrupt body is to be found at the shrine of the Curé de Ars, just north of the city Lyon.

Written by America Needs Fatima, Jul 18, 2020

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Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Feast Day: July 31st

Inigo de Loyola was born in 1491 in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa in northern Spain.

Of the noble family of Loyola, as a boy he was sent as a page to serve the treasurer of the kingdom. There, he had access to court and developed a taste for all its ways, including the ladies.

Life as a Soldier

St Ignatius of LoyolaIntelligent, of a fiery temperament and handsome, Inigo, or Ignatius, harbored dreams of romance and worldly conquests. He was addicted to gambling, and wasn’t above sword play, once getting into serious trouble.

At age thirty we find him a soldier defending the fortress of Pamplona against the French. Hugely outnumbered, the Spanish commander wished to surrender but Ignatius egged him to fight on. As the fight continued, Ignatius’ leg was fractured by a canon shot. Honoring his courage, the French allowed him to be treated at his castle of Loyola rather than in prison.

After enduring an operation without anesthetics, it was found that there was a bone protruding from under his knee. The thought of not being able to wear the slimming leggings of the time was unendurable, so he had doctors saw off the bone – without anesthetics. Still, he always limped as one leg remained shorter than the other.

Conversion of St. Ignatius

Convalescing, he asked for romance novels, but was given to read the only books in the castle: a life of Christ and lives of the saints. As he begrudgingly picked up the volumes, he began to notice that while his thoughts of romance and fantasy left him restless and agitated, these books gave him peace and a sense of true accomplishment and well-being. Slowly moved by what he read; he made a powerful conversion.

Shedding his fineries and donning a poor habit, he ultimately came to the cave of Manresa by a river where he stayed for ten months. Here, he had a powerful revelation, an experience of God as He really is so that he now looked at all of creation in a new light – an experience that allowed Ignatius to find God in all things – one of the central characteristics of Jesuit spirituality.

It was in the seclusion of Manresa that ideas for his famous Spiritual Exercises began to take shape.

Priesthood and Founding of the Jesuits

St Ignatius of LoyolaAfter a trip to the Holy Land, the holy wanderer decided to go back to school to learn Latin with the goal of entering the priesthood. He ultimately went to the University of Paris where he met several young men whom he led in the Spiritual Exercises. Two of these men were Francis Xavier, and Peter Faber.

Once ordained, he and his group decided to place themselves at the disposition of the Pope in Rome. They taught catechism to children, worked in hospitals and instructed adults in the Spiritual Exercises.

In September of 1540, this first nucleus was approved by Pope Paul III, as the order of The Company of Jesus, an institution that was to be instrumental in countering the protestant reform of Martin Luther. They were also active in the missions, and later became unparalleled academic instructors of young men, as well as performing countless other services in the Church.

Since his early conversion days, because of indiscreet, severe penances, St. Ignatius had developed stomach troubles that plagued him for the rest of his life. In the summer of 1556 his complaint grew worse, and his health ailing, he felt the end approaching. Still, those around him were not unduly alarmed.

But shortly after midnight on July 31, the former soldier gave up his soul to God.

Written by America Needs Fatima, Jul 16, 2015

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Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

Feast Day: April 17th

St Kateri Tekakwitha
Tekakwitha, baptized Kateri, “The Lily of the Mohawks” was born in 1656 near the town of Auriesville, New York, the daughter of a Mohawk warrior, and a captured, Christian Algonquin woman, Tagaskouita. Between 1661 and 1663 a small pox epidemic afflicted Kateri’s tribe. Both her parents and her brother died, and though also contracting the disease, she survived though her face was left scared and her eyesight affected. She was adopted by a paternal aunt and her husband, a chief. At seventeen the young Mohawk girl turned down an offer of marriage, and though pressed, still refused. Under the influence of missionary priests introduced into her tribe after the Mohawks were defeated by the French, Kateri converted to Catholicism at eighteen, and was baptized when twenty. Members of her tribe were hostile to her by reason of her Faith, but she persevered. The Jesuit missionaries described Tekakwitha as a modest girl who covered most of her head with a blanket because of her scars. In 1677 Kateri moved to the new Christian colony of Indians in Canada under the direction of Jesuit fathers where she found peace. There, she lived a life dedicated to prayer, penance and the care of the sick and the aged. Every morning, even in the bitterest cold, young Kateri stood before the church until it opened at four o’clock. Once inside, she attended every Mass, her greatest devotions being the Eucharist and Christ Crucified. She undertook severe penances, seeking to mortify her flesh so as to help her soul reach union with her beloved God. In the Lent of 1680 friends noticed that Kateri was failing. She died on Wednesday of Holy Week around three o’clock. Her last words were: “Jesus, I love You.” As she lay still in death, those around her noticed that her scars had disappeared and her face was white and beautiful. Today, Blessed Kateri’s tomb is found at St. Francis Xavier Mission in the Mohawk Nation of Kahnawake, near Montreal, Quebec. Address: 1 River Road, Kahnawake, QC  J0L 1B0 As well she is honored at the National Shrine of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha in the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs in Auriesville, NY and Florida. Pope Benedict XVI canonized Kateri Tekakwitha on October 21, 2012. The canonization of Blessed Kateri has special meaning for the Church in because the miracle that opened the way for her canonization took place in the Archdiocese of Washington with the Miraculous healing of Jake Finkbonner, a young lad who was attacked by flesh-eating disease in 2006. The Roman Catholic Church has honored Kateri Tekakwitha for her devotion to Christ and her commitment to charity and chastity.

Written by America Needs Fatima, Jul 22, 2020

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Saint Marie Magdalen Postel

Saint Marie Magdalen Postel

Feast Day: July 16th

St Marie Magdalen Postel
Patron saint of: chastity, teenage girls, poverty and forgiveness Baptized as Julia Frances Catherine Postel, Saint Marie Magdalen was born on November 28, 1756 in the port village of Barfluer, France. During the Middle Ages, Barfleur was one of the chief ports of embarkation for England. Her father was a fisherman, Jean Postel, and her mother’s name was Thérèse Levallois. Saint Marie Magdalen was educated by the Benedictine nuns in nearby Valognes after her initial schooling and it was during that time that she discerned a call to serve God in the religious life. As a step forward in her vocation, she took a private vow of chastity. At the age of 18, Postel founded a school for girls in Barfleur in 1774 that became a center for underground religious activities during the French Revolution. When the school was closed by the revolutionaries, she used the building to house fugitive priests.
St Marie Magdalen Postel
Authorization was granted to her to keep the Blessed Sacrament in her house as the conflict continued and she carried it on her person at times to provide Holy Viaticum to those who were ill and at the verge of death. The Jacobins often suspected her, but never made allegations and left her alone. Marie Magdalen Postel was allowed to continue with her educational mission when Napoleon and the Vatican reached an agreement guaranteeing freedom of religion in 1801. Along with three other teachers, she took vows at Cherbourg on September 8, 1807, on the feast of Our Lady’s Nativity, and helped found the Sisters of the Christian Schools. Named Superior of the Order, she took the name of Mary Magdalen. Later, she was obliged to move a few times, finally acquiring the abbey of St. Sauveur le Vicomte. In 1832 she acquired a derelict convent in St-Sauveur-le-Vicomte to use as her headquarters which then prompted growth within the order. The Bishop of Coutances Claude-Louis Rousseau issued diocesan approval for her order and it went on to receive the papal decree of praise from Pope Pius IX on April 29, 1859.
St Marie Magdalen Postel
The order based itself on the Rule of the Franciscan Third Order. This later changed in 1837 to be based upon that of the De La Salle Brothers, who founded a Roman Catholic religious teaching congregation called the Christian Brothers. Having almost reached her 90th birthday, Saint Marie Magdalen died in 1846; her order continues its work in places such as Romania and Mozambique and in 2005 had 442 religious in 69 different locations worldwide. Venerated for her holiness and miracles, she was canonized in 1925 by Pope Pius XI.

Written by Tonia Long, Jul 22, 2021

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Saint Maria Goretti

Saint Maria Goretti

Feast Day: July 6th

St Maria Goretti
In 1950 in Saint Peter’s Square in Rome, a crowd of 250,000 people gathered for the canonization of a twelve-year-old girl, Maria Goretti, who died resisting an attempted rape.

Maria was the third of six children of an Italian farmer and his wife, Luigi and Assunta Goretti, good and devout people who, forced to sell their farm, took up tenant farming, sharing a house with a Giovanni Serenelli and his son, Alessandro.

Luigi Goretti died of malaria when Maria was nine, and Assunta, her brothers and sister worked the fields, while Maria kept house and watched her baby sister. Alessandro began to stalk Maria, who although afraid, said nothing as he had threatened to kill her.

One day as Maria sewed at the top of the stairs leading to their house, the baby nearby, nineteen-year-old Alessandro dragged her inside and threatened her with a knife if she did not submit to him. She struggled with all her might, all the while shouting, “No, God does not wish it, it is a sin! You would go to hell for it.” Alessandro tried to choke her but she gasped that she would rather die than submit. Infuriated, he pulled out a sharp dagger and stabbed her eleven times. As the wounded girl tried to reach the door, he stopped her by stabbing her another three times.

At the cries of the frightened baby, Assunta and Giovanni found Maria and rushed her to the hospital. She died twenty-four hours later, clutching a crucifix to her chest, invoking the Blessed Virgin and forgiving her murderer.

Alessandro, at first sentenced to life imprisonment, was given thirty years for being a minor at the time of the crime. It is said that Assunta also interceded for him.

St Maria Goretti
He remained surly and uncommunicative for three years until a local bishop, Giovanni Blandini, visited him, to whom he revealed a vision of Maria handing him lilies. After this vision, he made a full conversion and was released on good behavior after twenty-seven years. He also declared that, indeed, Maria died a virgin. His first action was to seek Assunta and beg her forgiveness, which she readily granted saying: “If Maria forgave you, I can do no less,” and they attended Mass together the next day.

Maria’s mother, her three brothers and a sister attended her beatification in 1947. Three years later, Assunta was also present at her canonization, and so was Alessandro. Pope Pius XII called Maria, “the St. Agnes of the twentieth century.”

Alessandro who joined the Order of Friars Minor as a lay brother, died peacefully in 1970.

St. Maria Goretti’s feast day is July 6th.

Canonized:  June 24, 1950 by Pope Pius XII

Written by America Needs Fatima, Jul 21, 2020

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Saint Boniface

saint boniface

Saint Boniface

Feast Day: June 5th

Boniface was born Winfrid around the year 680 to a respected and noble English family, and it was to his father’s great displeasure that, at the young age of five, his son devoted himself to the monastic life.

Educated at the monastery school close to Exeter, with further studies guided by the monks and, later, directed by the learned Abbot Winbert at the Abbey of Nursling in Winchester, Boniface became a very learned and popular scholar.

His popularity and skill in teaching attracted many other students and scholars, for whose benefit he wrote the first Latin grammar known to have been compiled in English. After continued studies, he was ordained to the priesthood at the age of thirty.

Convinced of his calling to be a missionary, Winfrid declined the position of abbot at the monastery of Nursling and obtained from his superior permission to travel to Frisia to assist the famous missionary, St. Willibrord, who had been struggling for a long time to bring the Gospel home to his people. However, the mission ended in failure and Winfrid was forced to return to England a few months later.

Refusing to give up though, Winfrid set out for Rome to ask the Holy Father himself for an official mission and the backing of the Church. Pope Gregory II consented, gave him the new name of Boniface, and assigned him to work in Thuringia, Germany, where the Church was in bad shape, isolated, and subjected to superstition and heresy.

However, Boniface received no help from the local clergy and once more traveled to Frisia to join Willibrord and get training by the expert missionary. He was so helpful that St. Willibrord wanted to make Boniface his successor; but after three years of training, Boniface still felt the pull of the missionary work in Germany that he had left behind. Returning first to Rome where he was consecrated bishop by the pope, Boniface set out once more to Hesse.

St Boniface cutting down the "sacred" oak

Boniface had enormous work ahead of him. The pagans, though attracted to Christianity, were still bound by fear and superstition to their old religion and gods. To prove to them the falseness of their beliefs and the reality of the one true God, Boniface called the people together and, approaching the “sacred” oak of Geismar, struck it down with an axe, whereupon it split into four parts and fell to the grown in the shape of a cross. Yet, there stood Boniface, still holding his axe, unharmed by their gods.

The work of evangelization and conversion advanced steadily thereafter; and in answer to his appeal, monks and nuns enthusiastically began to arrive from England to assist him.

Boniface also lent his own support to the Frankish Church which was also in sad need of repair, setting up councils and synods and instituting reforms which revitalized the Church there.

One day, while camped in the open fields near the banks of the little river Borne with his attendants, he was awaiting the arrival of some confirmandi when they were attacked by a hostile band of pagans. The saint exhorted his companions to faith and courage and they all died the death of martyrs. St. Boniface’s body was taken to Fulda where it still rests.

Written by America Needs Fatima, Jul 21, 2020

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Novenas prayers

Novena to Saint Joseph

Novena & Prayers to Saint Joseph


This page contains:


Short Prayer to Saint Joseph

A Father's Prayer to Saint Joseph


Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

Novena Prayer to be said at the end of each day's devotion

Saint Joseph, I, your unworthy child, greet you. You are the faithful protector and intercessor of all who love and venerate you. You know that I have special confidence in you and that, after Jesus and Mary, I place all my hope of salvation in you, for you are especially powerful with God and will never abandon your faithful servants. Therefore I humbly invoke you and commend myself, with all who are dear to me and all that belong to me, to your intercession. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, not to abandon me during life and to assist me at the hour of my death.

Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin, obtain for me a pure, humble, charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the divine Will. Be my guide, my father, and my model through life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary.

Loving Saint Joseph, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, I raise my heart to you to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from the Divine Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly the grace of a happy death, and the special grace I now implore: (Mention your request).

Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel confident that your prayers in my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. Amen


Remember, most pure spouse of Mary, ever Virgin, my loving protector, Saint Joseph, that no one ever had recourse to your protection or asked for your aid without obtaining relief. Confiding, therefore, in your goodness, I come before you and humbly implore you. Despise not my petitions, foster-father of the Redeemer, but graciously receive them. Amen



Saint Joseph, you were privileged to share in the mystery of the Incarnation as the foster-father of Jesus. Mary alone was directly connected with the fulfillment of the mystery, in that she gave her consent to Christ's conception and allowed the Holy Spirit to form the sacred humanity of Jesus from her blood. You had a part in this mystery in an indirect manner, by fulfilling the condition necessary for the Incarnation — the protection of Mary's virginity before and during your married life with her. You made the virginal marriage possible, and this was a part of God's plan, foreseen, willed, and decreed from all eternity.

In a more direct manner you shared in the support, upbringing, and protection of the Divine Child as His foster-father. For this purpose the Heavenly Father gave you a genuine heart of a father — a heart full of love and self-sacrifice. With the toil of your hands you were obliged to offer protection to the Divine Child, to procure for Him food, clothing, and a home. You were truly the saint of the holy childhood of Jesus -- the living created providence which watched over the Christ-Child.

When Herod sought the Child to put Him to death, the Heavenly Father sent an angel but only as a messenger, giving orders for the flight; the rest He left entirely in your hands. It was that fatherly love which was the only refuge that received and protected the Divine Child. Your fatherly love carried Him through the desert into Egypt until all enemies were removed. Then on your arms the Child returned to Nazareth to be nourished and provided for during many years by the labour of your hands. Whatever a human son owes to a human father for all the benefits of his up-bringing and support, Jesus owed to you, because you were to Him a foster-father, teacher, and protector.

You served the Divine Child with a singular love. God gave you a heart filled with heavenly, supernatural love — a love far deeper and more powerful than any natural father's love could be.

You served the Divine Child with great unselfishness, without any regard to self-interest, but not without sacrifices. You did not toil for yourself, but you seemed to be an instrument intended for the benefit of others, to be put aside as soon as it had done its work, for you disappeared from the scene once the childhood of Jesus had passed.

You were the shadow of the Heavenly Father not only as the earthly representative of the authority of the Father, but also by means of your fatherhood — which only appeared to be natural — you were to hide for a while the divinity of Jesus. What a wonderfully sublime and divine vocation was yours — the loving Child which you carried in your arms, and loved and served so faithfully, had God in Heaven as Father and was Himself God!

Yours is a very special rank among the saints of the Kingdom of God, because you were so much a part of the very life of the Word of God made Man. In your house at Nazareth and under your care the redemption of mankind was prepared. What you accomplished, you did for us. You are not only a powerful and great saint in the Kingdom of God, but a benefactor of the whole of Christendom and mankind. Your rank in the Kingdom of God, surpassing far in dignity and honour of all the angels, deserves our very special veneration, love, and gratitude.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of having been chosen by God to be the foster-father of His Divine Son. As a token of your own gratitude to God for this your greatest privilege, obtain for me the grace of a very devoted love for Jesus Christ, my God and my Saviour. Help me to serve Him with some of the self-sacrificing love and devotion which you had while on this earth with Him. Grant that through your intercession with Jesus, your foster-Son, I may reach the degree of holiness God has destined for me, and save my soul.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, I honour you as the true husband of Mary. Scripture says: "Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, and of her was born Jesus who is called Christ" (Matt. 1:16). Your marriage to Mary was a sacred contract by which you and Mary gave yourselves to each other. Mary really belonged to you with all she was and had. You had a right to her love and obedience; and no other person so won her esteem, obedience, and love.

You were also the protector and witness of Mary's virginity. By your marriage you gave to each other your virginity, and also the mutual right over it — a right to safeguard the other's virtue. This mutual virginity also belonged to the divine plan of the Incarnation, for God sent His angel to assure you that motherhood and virginity in Mary could be united.

This union of marriage not only brought you into daily familiar association with Mary, the loveliest of God's creatures, but also enabled you to share with her a mutual exchange of spiritual goods. And Mary found her edification in your calm, humble, and deep virtue, purity, and sanctity. What a great honour comes to you from this close union with her whom the Son of God calls Mother and whom He declared the Queen of heaven and earth! Whatever Mary had belonged by right to you also, and this included her Son, even though He had been given to her by God in a wonderful way. Jesus belonged to you as His legal father. Your marriage was the way which God chose to have Jesus introduced into the world, a great divine mystery from which all benefits have come to us.

God the Son confided the guardianship and the support of His Immaculate Mother to your care. Mary's life was that of the Mother of the Saviour, who did not come upon earth to enjoy honours and pleasures, but to redeem the world by hard work, suffering, and the cross. You were the faithful companion, support, and comforter of the Mother of Sorrows. How loyal you were to her in poverty, journeying, work, and pain. Your love for Mary was based upon your esteem for her as Mother of God. After God and the Divine Child, you loved no one as much as her. Mary responded to this love. She submitted to your guidance with naturalness and easy grace and childlike confidence. The Holy Spirit Himself was the bond of the great love which united your hearts.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being the virginal husband of Mary. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to love Jesus with all my heart, as you did, and love Mary with some of the tenderness and loyalty with which you loved her.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, you were the man chosen by God the Father. He selected you to be His representative on earth, hence He granted you all the graces and blessings you needed to be His worthy representative.

You were the man chosen by God the Son. Desirous of a worthy foster-father, He added His own riches and gifts, and above all, His love. The true measure of your sanctity is to be judged by your imitation of Jesus. You were entirely consecrated to Jesus, working always near Him, offering Him your virtues, your work, your sufferings, your very life. Jesus lived in you perfectly so that you were transformed into Him. In this lies your special glory, and the keynote of your sanctity. Hence, after Mary, you are the holiest of the saints.

You were chosen by the Holy Spirit. He is the mutual Love of the Father and the Son — the heart of the Holy Trinity. In His wisdom He draws forth all creatures from nothing, guides them to their end in showing them their destiny and giving them the means to reach it. Every vocation and every fulfillment of a vocation proceeds from the Holy Spirit. As a foster-father of Jesus and head of the Holy Family, you had an exalted and most responsible vocation — to open the way for the redemption of the world and to prepare for it by the education and guidance of the youth of the God-Man. In this work you cooperated as the instrument of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was the guide; you obeyed and carried out the works. How perfectly you obeyed the guidance of the God of Love!

The words of the Old Testament which Pharaoh spoke concerning Joseph of Egypt can well be applied to you: "Can we find such another man, that is full of the spirit of God, or a wise man like to him?" (Gen. 41:38). No less is your share in the divine work of God than was that of Egypt. You now reign with your foster-Son and see reflected in the mirror of God's Wisdom the Divine Will and what is of benefit to our souls.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for having made you the man specially chosen by Him. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to imitate your virtues so that I too may be pleasing to the Heart of God. Help me to give myself entirely to His service and to the accomplishment of His Holy Will, that one day I may reach heaven and be eternally united to God as you are.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, you lived for one purpose — to be the personal servant of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. Your noble birth and ancestry, the graces and gifts, so generously poured out on you by God — all this was yours to serve our Lord better. Every thought, word, and action of yours was a homage to the love and glory of the Incarnate Word. You fulfilled most faithfully the role of a good and faithful servant who cared for the House of God.

How perfect was your obedience! Your position in the Holy Family obliged you to command, but besides being the foster-father of Jesus, you were also His disciple. For almost thirty years, you watched the God-Man display a simple and prompt obedience, and you grew to love and practice it very perfectly yourself. Without exception you submitted to God, to the civil rulers, and to the voice of your conscience.

When God sent an angel to tell you to care for Mary, you obeyed in spite of the mystery which surrounded her motherhood. When you were told to flee into Egypt under painful conditions, you obeyed without the slightest word of complaint. When God advised you in a dream to return to Nazareth, you obeyed. In every situation your obedience was as simple as your faith, as humble as your heart, as prompt as your love. It neglected nothing; it took in every command.

You had the virtue of perfect devotedness, which marks a good servant. Every moment of your life was consecrated to the service of our Lord: sleep, rest, work, pain. Faithful to your duties, you sacrificed everything unselfishly, even cheerfully. You would have sacrificed even the happiness of being with Mary. The rest and quiet of Nazareth was sacrificed at the call of duty. Your entire life was one generous giving, even to the point of being ready to die in proof of your love for Jesus and Mary. With true unselfish devotedness you worked without praise or reward.

But God wanted you to be in a certain sense a cooperator in the Redemption of the world. He confided to you the care of nourishing and defending the Divine Child. He wanted you to be poor and to suffer because He destined you to be the foster-father of His Son, who came into the world to save men by His sufferings and death, and you were to share in His suffering. In all of these important tasks, the Heavenly Father always found you a faithful servant!.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being God's faithful servant. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to be a faithful servant of God as you were. Help me to share, as you did, the perfect obedience of Jesus, who came not to do His Will, but the Will of His Father; to trust in the Providence of God, knowing that if I do His Will, He will provide for all my needs of soul and body; to be calm in my trials and to leave it to our Lord to free me from them when it pleases Him to do so. And help me to imitate your generosity, for there can be no greater reward here on earth than the joy and honour of being a faithful servant of God.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, God has appointed you patron of the Catholic Church because you were the head of the Holy Family, the starting-point of the Church. You were the father, protector, guide and support of the Holy Family. For that reason you belong in a particular way to the Church, which was the purpose of the Holy Family's existence.

I believe that the Church is the family of God on earth. Its government is represented in priestly authority which consists above all in its power over the true Body of Christ, really present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, thus continuing Christ's life in the Church. From this power, too, comes authority over the Mystical Body of Christ, the members of the Church — the power to teach and govern souls, to reconcile them with God, to bless them, and to pray for them.

You have a special relationship to the priesthood because you possessed a wonderful power over our Saviour Himself. Your life and office were of a priestly function and are especially connected with the Blessed Sacrament. To some extent you were the means of bringing the Redeemer to us — as it is the priest's function to bring Him to us in the Mass — for you reared Jesus, supported, nourished, protected and sheltered Him. You were prefigured by the patriarch Joseph, who kept supplies of wheat for his people. But how much greater than he were you! Joseph of old gave the Egyptians mere bread for their bodies. You nourished, and with the most tender care, preserved for the Church Him who is the Bread of Heaven and who gives eternal life in Holy Communion.

God has appointed you patron of the Church because the glorious title of patriarch also falls by special right to you. The patriarchs were the heads of families of the Chosen People, and theirs was the honour to prepare for the Saviour's incarnation. You belonged to this line of patriarchs, for you were one of the last descendants of the family of David and one of the nearest forebears of Christ according to the flesh. As husband of Mary, the Mother of God, and as the foster-father of the Saviour, you were directly connected with Christ. Your vocation was especially concerned with the Person of Jesus; your entire activity centered about Him. You are, therefore, the closing of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New, which took its rise with the Holy Family of Nazareth. Because the New Testament surpasses the Old in every respect, you are the patriarch of patriarchs, the most venerable, exalted, and amiable of all the patriarchs.

Through Mary, the Church received Christ, and therefore the Church is indebted to her. But the Church owes her debt of gratitude and veneration to you also, for you were the chosen one who enabled Christ to enter into the world according to the laws of order and fitness. It was by you that the patriarchs and the prophets and the faithful reaped the fruit of God's promise. Alone among them all, you saw with your own eyes and possessed the Redeemer promised to the rest of men.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being the Patron of the Church. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to live always as a worthy member of this Church, so that through it I may save my soul. Bless the priests, the religious, and the laity of the Catholic Church, that they may ever grow in God's love and faithfulness in His service. Protect the Church from the evils of our day and from the persecution of her enemies. Through your powerful intercession may the church successfully accomplish its mission in this world — the glory of God and the salvation of souls!

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, I venerate you as the gentle head of the Holy Family. The Holy Family was the scene of your life's work in its origin, in its guidance, in its protection, in your labour for Jesus and Mary, and even in your death in their arms. You lived, moved, and acted in the loving company of Jesus and Mary. The inspired writer describes your life at Nazareth in only a few words: "And (Jesus) went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them" (Luke, 2:51). Yet these words tell of your high vocation here on earth, and the abundance of graces which filled your soul during those years spent in Nazareth.

Your family life at Nazareth was all radiant with the light of divine charity. There was an intimate union of heart and mind among the members of your Holy Family. There could not have been a closer bond than that uniting you to Jesus, your foster-Son and to Mary, your most loving wife. Jesus chose to fulfill toward you, His foster-father, all the duties of a faithful son, showing you every mark of honour and affection due to a parent. And Mary showed you all the signs of respect and love of a devoted wife. You responded to this love and veneration from Jesus and Mary with feelings of deepest love and respect. You had for Jesus a true fatherly love, enkindled and kept aglow in your heart by the Holy Spirit. And you could not cease to admire the workings of grace in Mary's soul, and this admiration caused the holy love which you had consecrated to her on the day of your wedding grow stronger every day.

God has made you a heavenly patron of family life because you sanctified yourself as head of the Holy Family and thus by your beautiful example sanctified family life. How peacefully and happily the Holy Family rested under the care of your fatherly rule, even in the midst of trials. You were the protector, counselor, and consolation of the Holy Family in every need. And just as you were the model of piety, so you gave us by your zeal, your earnestness and devout trust in God's providence, and especially by your love, the example of labour according to the Will of God. You cherished all the experiences common to family life and the sacred memories of the life, sufferings, and joys in the company of Jesus and Mary. Therefore the family is dear to you as the work of God, and it is of the highest importance in your eyes to promote the honour of God and the well-being of man. In your loving fatherliness and unfailing intercession you are the patron and intercessor of families, and you deserve a place in every home.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of living in the Holy Family and being its head. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain God's blessing upon my own family. Make our home the kingdom of Jesus and Mary — a kingdom of peace, of joy, and love.>

I also pray for all Christian families. Your help is needed in our day when God's enemy has directed his attack against the family in order to desecrate and destroy it. In the face of these evils, as patron of families, be pleased to help; and as of old, you arose to save the Child and His Mother, so today arise to protect the sanctity of the home. Make our homes sanctuaries of prayer, of love, of patient sacrifice, and of work. May they be modeled after your own at Nazareth. Remain with us with Jesus and Mary, so that by your help we may obey the commandments of God and of the Church; receive the holy sacraments of God and of the Church; live a life of prayer; and foster religious instruction in our homes. Grant that we may be reunited in God's Kingdom and eternally live in the company of the Holy Family in heaven.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, you devoted your time at Nazareth to the work of a carpenter. It was the Will of God that you and your foster-Son should spend your days together in manual labour. What a beautiful example you set for the working classes!

It was especially for the poor, who compose the greater part of mankind, that Jesus came upon earth, for in the synagogue of Nazareth, He read the words of Isaiah and referred them to Himself: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor..." (Luke 4:18). It was God's Will that you should be occupied with work common to poor people, that in this way Jesus Himself might ennoble it by inheriting it from you, His foster-father, and by freely embracing it. Thus our Lord teaches us that for the humbler class of workmen, He has in store His richest graces, provided they live content in the place God's Providence has assigned them, and remain poor in spirit for He said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 5:3).

The kind of work to which you devoted your time in the workshop of Nazareth offered you many occasions of practicing humility. You were privileged to see each day the example of humility which Jesus practiced — a virtue most pleasing to Him. He chose for His earthly surroundings not the courts of princes nor the halls of the learned, but a little workshop of Nazareth. Here you shared for many years the humble and hidden toiling of the God-Man. What a touching example for the worker of today!

While your hands were occupied with manual work, your mind was turned to God in prayer. From the Divine Master, who worked along with you, you learned to work in the presence of God in the spirit of prayer, for as He worked He adored His Father and recommended the welfare of the world to Him, Jesus also instructed you in the wonderful truths of grace and virtue, for you were in close contact with Him who said of Himself, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life."

As you were working at your trade, you were reminded of the greatness and majesty of God, who, as a most wise Architect, formed this vast universe with wonderful skill and limitless power.

The light of divine faith that filled your mind, did not grow dim when you saw Jesus working as a carpenter. You firmly believed that the saintly Youth working beside you was truly God's own Son.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being able to work side by side with Jesus in the carpenter shop of Nazareth. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to respect the dignity of labour and ever to be content with the position in life, however lowly, in which it may please Divine Providence to place me. Teach me to work for God and with God in the spirit of humility and prayer, as you did, so that I may offer my toil in union with the sacrifice of Jesus in the Mass as a reparation for my sins, and gain rich merit for heaven.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, your share of suffering was very great because of your close union with the Divine Saviour. All the mysteries of His life were more or less mysteries of suffering. Poverty pressed upon you, and the cross of labour followed you everywhere. Nor were you spared domestic crosses, owing to misunderstandings in regard to the holiest and most cherished of all beings, Jesus and Mary, who were all to you. Keen must have been the suffering by the bestowal of the name of Jesus, which pointed to future misfortune. Deeply painful must have been the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, the disappearance of Jesus at the Paschal feast. To these sufferings were surely added interior sorrow at the sight of the sins of your own people.

You bore all this suffering in a truly Christ-like manner, and in this you are our example. No sound of complaint or impatience escaped you — you were, indeed, the silent saint! You submitted to all in the spirit of faith, humility, confidence, and love. You cheerfully bore all in union with and for the Saviour and His Mother, knowing well that true love is a crucified love. But God never forsook you in your trials. The trials, too, disappeared and were changed at last into consolation and joy.

It seems that God had purposely intended your life to be filled with suffering as well as consolation to keep before my eyes the truth that my life on earth is but a succession of joys and sorrows, and that I must gratefully accept whatever God sends me, and during the time of consolation prepare for suffering. Teach me to bear my cross in the spirit of faith, of confidence, and of gratitude toward God. In a happy eternity, I shall thank God fervently for the sufferings which He deigned to send me during my pilgrimage on earth, and which after your example I endured with patience and heartfelt love for Jesus and Mary.

You were truly the martyr of the hidden life. This was God's Will, for the holier a person is, the more he is tried for the love and glory of God. If suffering is the flowering of God's grace in a soul and the triumph of the soul's love for God, being the greatest of saints after Mary, you suffered more than any of the martyrs.

Because you have experienced the sufferings of this valley of tears, you are most kind and sympathetic toward those in need. Down through the ages souls have turned to you in distress and have always found you a faithful friend in suffering. You have graciously heard their prayers in their needs even though it demanded a miracle. Having been so intimately united with Jesus and Mary in life, your intercession with Them is most powerful.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being able to suffer for Jesus and Mary. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to bear my suffering patiently for love of Jesus and Mary. Grant that I may unite the sufferings, works and disappointments of life with the sacrifice of Jesus in the Mass, and share like you in Mary's spirit of sacrifice.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, how fitting it was that at the hour of your death Jesus should stand at your bedside with Mary, the sweetness and hope of all mankind. You gave your entire life to the service of Jesus and Mary; at death you enjoyed the consolation of dying in Their loving arms. You accepted death in the spirit of loving submission to the Will of God, and this acceptance crowned your hidden life of virtue. Yours was a merciful judgment, for your foster-Son, for whom you had cared so lovingly, was your Judge, and Mary was your advocate. The verdict of the Judge was a word of encouragement to wait for His coming to Limbo, where He would shower you with the choicest fruits of the Redemption, and an embrace of grateful affection before you breathed forth your soul into eternity.

You looked into eternity and to your everlasting reward with confidence. If our Saviour blessed the shepherds, the Magi, Simeon, John the Baptist, and others, because they greeted His presence with devoted hearts for a brief passing hour, how much more did He bless you who have sanctified yourself for so many years in His company and that of His Mother? If Jesus regards every corporal and spiritual work of mercy, performed in behalf of our fellow men out of love for Him, as done to Himself, and promises heaven as a reward, what must have been the extent of His gratitude to you who in the truest sense of the word have received Him, given Him shelter, clothed, nourished, and consoled Him at the sacrifice of your strength and rest, and even your life, with a love which surpassed the love of all fathers.

God really and personally made Himself your debtor. Our Divine Saviour paid that debt of gratitude by granting you many graces in your lifetime, especially the grace of growing in love, which is the best and most perfect of all gifts. Thus at the end of your life your heart became filled with love, the fervour and longing of which your frail body could not resist. Your soul followed the triumphant impulse of your love and winged its flight from earth to bear the prophets and patriarchs in Limbo the glad tidings of the advent of the Redeemer.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being able to die in the arms of Jesus and Mary. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace of a happy death. Help me to spend each day in preparation for death. May I, too, accept death in the spirit of resignation to God's Holy Will, and die, as you did, in the arms of Jesus, strengthened by Holy Viaticum, and in the arms of Mary, with her rosary in my hand and her name on my lips!

Novena Prayer

Short Prayer to Saint Joseph

To thee, St. Joseph, we have recourse in our tribulations, and having implored the assistance of thy most holy spouse, filled with confidence we now ask for thy patronage as well. By the sacred bond of charity that united thee to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by the paternal love thou hadst for the Child Jesus, we ardently beseech thee to cast a favourable gaze upon the inheritance that Jesus Christ conquered with His Blood, and help us in our needs with thy powerful hand.

Protect, o provident custodian of the Holy Family, the chosen people of Jesus Christ. Drive away from us, o most loving Father, the pest of error and vice.

Assist us from the heights of Heaven, o strongest bulwark in the struggle against the power of darkness; and just as thou once saved the threatened life of the Child Jesus, defend now the Holy Church of God from the ambushes of her enemies and from every adversity. Support every one of us with thy constant protection so that, following thy example and sustained with thy help, we may live virtuously, die piously, and obtain eternal blessedness in Heaven. Amen

A Father's Prayer to Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph look I am tired tonight,
But somehow I think that you care;
For being a father and one who works
Are things that both of us share.

It tires a man, yet the heart is high,
For, Patron Saint, it’s all worthwhile.
Its rich reward is a loving wife,
And joyous light in a child’s smile.

O, father, worker, bear with me,
Help me, Saint Joseph, to do my best,
To love and protect my family
‘Til work shall cease and heaven is rest. Amen

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Novenas prayers

Novena to Saint Joseph

Novena & Prayers to Saint Joseph


This page contains:


Short Prayer to Saint Joseph

A Father's Prayer to Saint Joseph


Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

Novena Prayer to be said at the end of each day's devotion

Saint Joseph, I, your unworthy child, greet you. You are the faithful protector and intercessor of all who love and venerate you. You know that I have special confidence in you and that, after Jesus and Mary, I place all my hope of salvation in you, for you are especially powerful with God and will never abandon your faithful servants. Therefore I humbly invoke you and commend myself, with all who are dear to me and all that belong to me, to your intercession. I beg of you, by your love for Jesus and Mary, not to abandon me during life and to assist me at the hour of my death.

Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the Immaculate Virgin, obtain for me a pure, humble, charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the divine Will. Be my guide, my father, and my model through life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary.

Loving Saint Joseph, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, I raise my heart to you to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from the Divine Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly the grace of a happy death, and the special grace I now implore: (Mention your request).

Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I feel confident that your prayers in my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. Amen


Remember, most pure spouse of Mary, ever Virgin, my loving protector, Saint Joseph, that no one ever had recourse to your protection or asked for your aid without obtaining relief. Confiding, therefore, in your goodness, I come before you and humbly implore you. Despise not my petitions, foster-father of the Redeemer, but graciously receive them. Amen



Saint Joseph, you were privileged to share in the mystery of the Incarnation as the foster-father of Jesus. Mary alone was directly connected with the fulfillment of the mystery, in that she gave her consent to Christ's conception and allowed the Holy Spirit to form the sacred humanity of Jesus from her blood. You had a part in this mystery in an indirect manner, by fulfilling the condition necessary for the Incarnation — the protection of Mary's virginity before and during your married life with her. You made the virginal marriage possible, and this was a part of God's plan, foreseen, willed, and decreed from all eternity.

In a more direct manner you shared in the support, upbringing, and protection of the Divine Child as His foster-father. For this purpose the Heavenly Father gave you a genuine heart of a father — a heart full of love and self-sacrifice. With the toil of your hands you were obliged to offer protection to the Divine Child, to procure for Him food, clothing, and a home. You were truly the saint of the holy childhood of Jesus -- the living created providence which watched over the Christ-Child.

When Herod sought the Child to put Him to death, the Heavenly Father sent an angel but only as a messenger, giving orders for the flight; the rest He left entirely in your hands. It was that fatherly love which was the only refuge that received and protected the Divine Child. Your fatherly love carried Him through the desert into Egypt until all enemies were removed. Then on your arms the Child returned to Nazareth to be nourished and provided for during many years by the labour of your hands. Whatever a human son owes to a human father for all the benefits of his up-bringing and support, Jesus owed to you, because you were to Him a foster-father, teacher, and protector.

You served the Divine Child with a singular love. God gave you a heart filled with heavenly, supernatural love — a love far deeper and more powerful than any natural father's love could be.

You served the Divine Child with great unselfishness, without any regard to self-interest, but not without sacrifices. You did not toil for yourself, but you seemed to be an instrument intended for the benefit of others, to be put aside as soon as it had done its work, for you disappeared from the scene once the childhood of Jesus had passed.

You were the shadow of the Heavenly Father not only as the earthly representative of the authority of the Father, but also by means of your fatherhood — which only appeared to be natural — you were to hide for a while the divinity of Jesus. What a wonderfully sublime and divine vocation was yours — the loving Child which you carried in your arms, and loved and served so faithfully, had God in Heaven as Father and was Himself God!

Yours is a very special rank among the saints of the Kingdom of God, because you were so much a part of the very life of the Word of God made Man. In your house at Nazareth and under your care the redemption of mankind was prepared. What you accomplished, you did for us. You are not only a powerful and great saint in the Kingdom of God, but a benefactor of the whole of Christendom and mankind. Your rank in the Kingdom of God, surpassing far in dignity and honour of all the angels, deserves our very special veneration, love, and gratitude.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of having been chosen by God to be the foster-father of His Divine Son. As a token of your own gratitude to God for this your greatest privilege, obtain for me the grace of a very devoted love for Jesus Christ, my God and my Saviour. Help me to serve Him with some of the self-sacrificing love and devotion which you had while on this earth with Him. Grant that through your intercession with Jesus, your foster-Son, I may reach the degree of holiness God has destined for me, and save my soul.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, I honour you as the true husband of Mary. Scripture says: "Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, and of her was born Jesus who is called Christ" (Matt. 1:16). Your marriage to Mary was a sacred contract by which you and Mary gave yourselves to each other. Mary really belonged to you with all she was and had. You had a right to her love and obedience; and no other person so won her esteem, obedience, and love.

You were also the protector and witness of Mary's virginity. By your marriage you gave to each other your virginity, and also the mutual right over it — a right to safeguard the other's virtue. This mutual virginity also belonged to the divine plan of the Incarnation, for God sent His angel to assure you that motherhood and virginity in Mary could be united.

This union of marriage not only brought you into daily familiar association with Mary, the loveliest of God's creatures, but also enabled you to share with her a mutual exchange of spiritual goods. And Mary found her edification in your calm, humble, and deep virtue, purity, and sanctity. What a great honour comes to you from this close union with her whom the Son of God calls Mother and whom He declared the Queen of heaven and earth! Whatever Mary had belonged by right to you also, and this included her Son, even though He had been given to her by God in a wonderful way. Jesus belonged to you as His legal father. Your marriage was the way which God chose to have Jesus introduced into the world, a great divine mystery from which all benefits have come to us.

God the Son confided the guardianship and the support of His Immaculate Mother to your care. Mary's life was that of the Mother of the Saviour, who did not come upon earth to enjoy honours and pleasures, but to redeem the world by hard work, suffering, and the cross. You were the faithful companion, support, and comforter of the Mother of Sorrows. How loyal you were to her in poverty, journeying, work, and pain. Your love for Mary was based upon your esteem for her as Mother of God. After God and the Divine Child, you loved no one as much as her. Mary responded to this love. She submitted to your guidance with naturalness and easy grace and childlike confidence. The Holy Spirit Himself was the bond of the great love which united your hearts.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being the virginal husband of Mary. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to love Jesus with all my heart, as you did, and love Mary with some of the tenderness and loyalty with which you loved her.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, you were the man chosen by God the Father. He selected you to be His representative on earth, hence He granted you all the graces and blessings you needed to be His worthy representative.

You were the man chosen by God the Son. Desirous of a worthy foster-father, He added His own riches and gifts, and above all, His love. The true measure of your sanctity is to be judged by your imitation of Jesus. You were entirely consecrated to Jesus, working always near Him, offering Him your virtues, your work, your sufferings, your very life. Jesus lived in you perfectly so that you were transformed into Him. In this lies your special glory, and the keynote of your sanctity. Hence, after Mary, you are the holiest of the saints.

You were chosen by the Holy Spirit. He is the mutual Love of the Father and the Son — the heart of the Holy Trinity. In His wisdom He draws forth all creatures from nothing, guides them to their end in showing them their destiny and giving them the means to reach it. Every vocation and every fulfillment of a vocation proceeds from the Holy Spirit. As a foster-father of Jesus and head of the Holy Family, you had an exalted and most responsible vocation — to open the way for the redemption of the world and to prepare for it by the education and guidance of the youth of the God-Man. In this work you cooperated as the instrument of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was the guide; you obeyed and carried out the works. How perfectly you obeyed the guidance of the God of Love!

The words of the Old Testament which Pharaoh spoke concerning Joseph of Egypt can well be applied to you: "Can we find such another man, that is full of the spirit of God, or a wise man like to him?" (Gen. 41:38). No less is your share in the divine work of God than was that of Egypt. You now reign with your foster-Son and see reflected in the mirror of God's Wisdom the Divine Will and what is of benefit to our souls.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for having made you the man specially chosen by Him. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to imitate your virtues so that I too may be pleasing to the Heart of God. Help me to give myself entirely to His service and to the accomplishment of His Holy Will, that one day I may reach heaven and be eternally united to God as you are.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, you lived for one purpose — to be the personal servant of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. Your noble birth and ancestry, the graces and gifts, so generously poured out on you by God — all this was yours to serve our Lord better. Every thought, word, and action of yours was a homage to the love and glory of the Incarnate Word. You fulfilled most faithfully the role of a good and faithful servant who cared for the House of God.

How perfect was your obedience! Your position in the Holy Family obliged you to command, but besides being the foster-father of Jesus, you were also His disciple. For almost thirty years, you watched the God-Man display a simple and prompt obedience, and you grew to love and practice it very perfectly yourself. Without exception you submitted to God, to the civil rulers, and to the voice of your conscience.

When God sent an angel to tell you to care for Mary, you obeyed in spite of the mystery which surrounded her motherhood. When you were told to flee into Egypt under painful conditions, you obeyed without the slightest word of complaint. When God advised you in a dream to return to Nazareth, you obeyed. In every situation your obedience was as simple as your faith, as humble as your heart, as prompt as your love. It neglected nothing; it took in every command.

You had the virtue of perfect devotedness, which marks a good servant. Every moment of your life was consecrated to the service of our Lord: sleep, rest, work, pain. Faithful to your duties, you sacrificed everything unselfishly, even cheerfully. You would have sacrificed even the happiness of being with Mary. The rest and quiet of Nazareth was sacrificed at the call of duty. Your entire life was one generous giving, even to the point of being ready to die in proof of your love for Jesus and Mary. With true unselfish devotedness you worked without praise or reward.

But God wanted you to be in a certain sense a cooperator in the Redemption of the world. He confided to you the care of nourishing and defending the Divine Child. He wanted you to be poor and to suffer because He destined you to be the foster-father of His Son, who came into the world to save men by His sufferings and death, and you were to share in His suffering. In all of these important tasks, the Heavenly Father always found you a faithful servant!.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being God's faithful servant. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to be a faithful servant of God as you were. Help me to share, as you did, the perfect obedience of Jesus, who came not to do His Will, but the Will of His Father; to trust in the Providence of God, knowing that if I do His Will, He will provide for all my needs of soul and body; to be calm in my trials and to leave it to our Lord to free me from them when it pleases Him to do so. And help me to imitate your generosity, for there can be no greater reward here on earth than the joy and honour of being a faithful servant of God.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, God has appointed you patron of the Catholic Church because you were the head of the Holy Family, the starting-point of the Church. You were the father, protector, guide and support of the Holy Family. For that reason you belong in a particular way to the Church, which was the purpose of the Holy Family's existence.

I believe that the Church is the family of God on earth. Its government is represented in priestly authority which consists above all in its power over the true Body of Christ, really present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, thus continuing Christ's life in the Church. From this power, too, comes authority over the Mystical Body of Christ, the members of the Church — the power to teach and govern souls, to reconcile them with God, to bless them, and to pray for them.

You have a special relationship to the priesthood because you possessed a wonderful power over our Saviour Himself. Your life and office were of a priestly function and are especially connected with the Blessed Sacrament. To some extent you were the means of bringing the Redeemer to us — as it is the priest's function to bring Him to us in the Mass — for you reared Jesus, supported, nourished, protected and sheltered Him. You were prefigured by the patriarch Joseph, who kept supplies of wheat for his people. But how much greater than he were you! Joseph of old gave the Egyptians mere bread for their bodies. You nourished, and with the most tender care, preserved for the Church Him who is the Bread of Heaven and who gives eternal life in Holy Communion.

God has appointed you patron of the Church because the glorious title of patriarch also falls by special right to you. The patriarchs were the heads of families of the Chosen People, and theirs was the honour to prepare for the Saviour's incarnation. You belonged to this line of patriarchs, for you were one of the last descendants of the family of David and one of the nearest forebears of Christ according to the flesh. As husband of Mary, the Mother of God, and as the foster-father of the Saviour, you were directly connected with Christ. Your vocation was especially concerned with the Person of Jesus; your entire activity centered about Him. You are, therefore, the closing of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New, which took its rise with the Holy Family of Nazareth. Because the New Testament surpasses the Old in every respect, you are the patriarch of patriarchs, the most venerable, exalted, and amiable of all the patriarchs.

Through Mary, the Church received Christ, and therefore the Church is indebted to her. But the Church owes her debt of gratitude and veneration to you also, for you were the chosen one who enabled Christ to enter into the world according to the laws of order and fitness. It was by you that the patriarchs and the prophets and the faithful reaped the fruit of God's promise. Alone among them all, you saw with your own eyes and possessed the Redeemer promised to the rest of men.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being the Patron of the Church. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to live always as a worthy member of this Church, so that through it I may save my soul. Bless the priests, the religious, and the laity of the Catholic Church, that they may ever grow in God's love and faithfulness in His service. Protect the Church from the evils of our day and from the persecution of her enemies. Through your powerful intercession may the church successfully accomplish its mission in this world — the glory of God and the salvation of souls!

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, I venerate you as the gentle head of the Holy Family. The Holy Family was the scene of your life's work in its origin, in its guidance, in its protection, in your labour for Jesus and Mary, and even in your death in their arms. You lived, moved, and acted in the loving company of Jesus and Mary. The inspired writer describes your life at Nazareth in only a few words: "And (Jesus) went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them" (Luke, 2:51). Yet these words tell of your high vocation here on earth, and the abundance of graces which filled your soul during those years spent in Nazareth.

Your family life at Nazareth was all radiant with the light of divine charity. There was an intimate union of heart and mind among the members of your Holy Family. There could not have been a closer bond than that uniting you to Jesus, your foster-Son and to Mary, your most loving wife. Jesus chose to fulfill toward you, His foster-father, all the duties of a faithful son, showing you every mark of honour and affection due to a parent. And Mary showed you all the signs of respect and love of a devoted wife. You responded to this love and veneration from Jesus and Mary with feelings of deepest love and respect. You had for Jesus a true fatherly love, enkindled and kept aglow in your heart by the Holy Spirit. And you could not cease to admire the workings of grace in Mary's soul, and this admiration caused the holy love which you had consecrated to her on the day of your wedding grow stronger every day.

God has made you a heavenly patron of family life because you sanctified yourself as head of the Holy Family and thus by your beautiful example sanctified family life. How peacefully and happily the Holy Family rested under the care of your fatherly rule, even in the midst of trials. You were the protector, counselor, and consolation of the Holy Family in every need. And just as you were the model of piety, so you gave us by your zeal, your earnestness and devout trust in God's providence, and especially by your love, the example of labour according to the Will of God. You cherished all the experiences common to family life and the sacred memories of the life, sufferings, and joys in the company of Jesus and Mary. Therefore the family is dear to you as the work of God, and it is of the highest importance in your eyes to promote the honour of God and the well-being of man. In your loving fatherliness and unfailing intercession you are the patron and intercessor of families, and you deserve a place in every home.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of living in the Holy Family and being its head. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain God's blessing upon my own family. Make our home the kingdom of Jesus and Mary — a kingdom of peace, of joy, and love.>

I also pray for all Christian families. Your help is needed in our day when God's enemy has directed his attack against the family in order to desecrate and destroy it. In the face of these evils, as patron of families, be pleased to help; and as of old, you arose to save the Child and His Mother, so today arise to protect the sanctity of the home. Make our homes sanctuaries of prayer, of love, of patient sacrifice, and of work. May they be modeled after your own at Nazareth. Remain with us with Jesus and Mary, so that by your help we may obey the commandments of God and of the Church; receive the holy sacraments of God and of the Church; live a life of prayer; and foster religious instruction in our homes. Grant that we may be reunited in God's Kingdom and eternally live in the company of the Holy Family in heaven.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, you devoted your time at Nazareth to the work of a carpenter. It was the Will of God that you and your foster-Son should spend your days together in manual labour. What a beautiful example you set for the working classes!

It was especially for the poor, who compose the greater part of mankind, that Jesus came upon earth, for in the synagogue of Nazareth, He read the words of Isaiah and referred them to Himself: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor..." (Luke 4:18). It was God's Will that you should be occupied with work common to poor people, that in this way Jesus Himself might ennoble it by inheriting it from you, His foster-father, and by freely embracing it. Thus our Lord teaches us that for the humbler class of workmen, He has in store His richest graces, provided they live content in the place God's Providence has assigned them, and remain poor in spirit for He said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 5:3).

The kind of work to which you devoted your time in the workshop of Nazareth offered you many occasions of practicing humility. You were privileged to see each day the example of humility which Jesus practiced — a virtue most pleasing to Him. He chose for His earthly surroundings not the courts of princes nor the halls of the learned, but a little workshop of Nazareth. Here you shared for many years the humble and hidden toiling of the God-Man. What a touching example for the worker of today!

While your hands were occupied with manual work, your mind was turned to God in prayer. From the Divine Master, who worked along with you, you learned to work in the presence of God in the spirit of prayer, for as He worked He adored His Father and recommended the welfare of the world to Him, Jesus also instructed you in the wonderful truths of grace and virtue, for you were in close contact with Him who said of Himself, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life."

As you were working at your trade, you were reminded of the greatness and majesty of God, who, as a most wise Architect, formed this vast universe with wonderful skill and limitless power.

The light of divine faith that filled your mind, did not grow dim when you saw Jesus working as a carpenter. You firmly believed that the saintly Youth working beside you was truly God's own Son.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being able to work side by side with Jesus in the carpenter shop of Nazareth. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to respect the dignity of labour and ever to be content with the position in life, however lowly, in which it may please Divine Providence to place me. Teach me to work for God and with God in the spirit of humility and prayer, as you did, so that I may offer my toil in union with the sacrifice of Jesus in the Mass as a reparation for my sins, and gain rich merit for heaven.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, your share of suffering was very great because of your close union with the Divine Saviour. All the mysteries of His life were more or less mysteries of suffering. Poverty pressed upon you, and the cross of labour followed you everywhere. Nor were you spared domestic crosses, owing to misunderstandings in regard to the holiest and most cherished of all beings, Jesus and Mary, who were all to you. Keen must have been the suffering by the bestowal of the name of Jesus, which pointed to future misfortune. Deeply painful must have been the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, the disappearance of Jesus at the Paschal feast. To these sufferings were surely added interior sorrow at the sight of the sins of your own people.

You bore all this suffering in a truly Christ-like manner, and in this you are our example. No sound of complaint or impatience escaped you — you were, indeed, the silent saint! You submitted to all in the spirit of faith, humility, confidence, and love. You cheerfully bore all in union with and for the Saviour and His Mother, knowing well that true love is a crucified love. But God never forsook you in your trials. The trials, too, disappeared and were changed at last into consolation and joy.

It seems that God had purposely intended your life to be filled with suffering as well as consolation to keep before my eyes the truth that my life on earth is but a succession of joys and sorrows, and that I must gratefully accept whatever God sends me, and during the time of consolation prepare for suffering. Teach me to bear my cross in the spirit of faith, of confidence, and of gratitude toward God. In a happy eternity, I shall thank God fervently for the sufferings which He deigned to send me during my pilgrimage on earth, and which after your example I endured with patience and heartfelt love for Jesus and Mary.

You were truly the martyr of the hidden life. This was God's Will, for the holier a person is, the more he is tried for the love and glory of God. If suffering is the flowering of God's grace in a soul and the triumph of the soul's love for God, being the greatest of saints after Mary, you suffered more than any of the martyrs.

Because you have experienced the sufferings of this valley of tears, you are most kind and sympathetic toward those in need. Down through the ages souls have turned to you in distress and have always found you a faithful friend in suffering. You have graciously heard their prayers in their needs even though it demanded a miracle. Having been so intimately united with Jesus and Mary in life, your intercession with Them is most powerful.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being able to suffer for Jesus and Mary. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace to bear my suffering patiently for love of Jesus and Mary. Grant that I may unite the sufferings, works and disappointments of life with the sacrifice of Jesus in the Mass, and share like you in Mary's spirit of sacrifice.

Novena Prayer



Saint Joseph, how fitting it was that at the hour of your death Jesus should stand at your bedside with Mary, the sweetness and hope of all mankind. You gave your entire life to the service of Jesus and Mary; at death you enjoyed the consolation of dying in Their loving arms. You accepted death in the spirit of loving submission to the Will of God, and this acceptance crowned your hidden life of virtue. Yours was a merciful judgment, for your foster-Son, for whom you had cared so lovingly, was your Judge, and Mary was your advocate. The verdict of the Judge was a word of encouragement to wait for His coming to Limbo, where He would shower you with the choicest fruits of the Redemption, and an embrace of grateful affection before you breathed forth your soul into eternity.

You looked into eternity and to your everlasting reward with confidence. If our Saviour blessed the shepherds, the Magi, Simeon, John the Baptist, and others, because they greeted His presence with devoted hearts for a brief passing hour, how much more did He bless you who have sanctified yourself for so many years in His company and that of His Mother? If Jesus regards every corporal and spiritual work of mercy, performed in behalf of our fellow men out of love for Him, as done to Himself, and promises heaven as a reward, what must have been the extent of His gratitude to you who in the truest sense of the word have received Him, given Him shelter, clothed, nourished, and consoled Him at the sacrifice of your strength and rest, and even your life, with a love which surpassed the love of all fathers.

God really and personally made Himself your debtor. Our Divine Saviour paid that debt of gratitude by granting you many graces in your lifetime, especially the grace of growing in love, which is the best and most perfect of all gifts. Thus at the end of your life your heart became filled with love, the fervour and longing of which your frail body could not resist. Your soul followed the triumphant impulse of your love and winged its flight from earth to bear the prophets and patriarchs in Limbo the glad tidings of the advent of the Redeemer.

Saint Joseph, I thank God for your privilege of being able to die in the arms of Jesus and Mary. As a token of your own gratitude to God, obtain for me the grace of a happy death. Help me to spend each day in preparation for death. May I, too, accept death in the spirit of resignation to God's Holy Will, and die, as you did, in the arms of Jesus, strengthened by Holy Viaticum, and in the arms of Mary, with her rosary in my hand and her name on my lips!

Novena Prayer

Short Prayer to Saint Joseph

To thee, St. Joseph, we have recourse in our tribulations, and having implored the assistance of thy most holy spouse, filled with confidence we now ask for thy patronage as well. By the sacred bond of charity that united thee to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by the paternal love thou hadst for the Child Jesus, we ardently beseech thee to cast a favourable gaze upon the inheritance that Jesus Christ conquered with His Blood, and help us in our needs with thy powerful hand.

Protect, o provident custodian of the Holy Family, the chosen people of Jesus Christ. Drive away from us, o most loving Father, the pest of error and vice.

Assist us from the heights of Heaven, o strongest bulwark in the struggle against the power of darkness; and just as thou once saved the threatened life of the Child Jesus, defend now the Holy Church of God from the ambushes of her enemies and from every adversity. Support every one of us with thy constant protection so that, following thy example and sustained with thy help, we may live virtuously, die piously, and obtain eternal blessedness in Heaven. Amen

A Father's Prayer to Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph look I am tired tonight,
But somehow I think that you care;
For being a father and one who works
Are things that both of us share.

It tires a man, yet the heart is high,
For, Patron Saint, it’s all worthwhile.
Its rich reward is a loving wife,
And joyous light in a child’s smile.

O, father, worker, bear with me,
Help me, Saint Joseph, to do my best,
To love and protect my family
‘Til work shall cease and heaven is rest. Amen

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Novenas prayers

Novena to Saint Michael – Day 9

Day 9: The Angels

Prayer for each day:

My Lord and My God, Father of Mercy and all Consolation: I present myself to You of my own free will and with all the resolution and firmness of which my heart is capable aided by thy divine grace, so You would deign to receive me among Your humble and fervent servants under the direction of the glorious Saint Michael.

Keeping with my soul’s earnest desire, I will don the livery of humility, observe the cleanliness of chastity according to my state in life, and embrace the shield of patience with which I shall resist the arrows shot at me by the world, the devil and the flesh. I will arm myself with holy zeal to seek thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. I will strive in earnest to teach the truth and dispel ignorance, extirpate vice and cultivate virtue in me and all my neighbours. This is my resolution, which I hope to fulfill helped by divine grace, which I will receive through the merits of Jesus Christ Thy Son, by the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the glorious Saint Michael, and all other Angels and Saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Ninth Day:

God and Lord of the heavenly spirits of the Ninth Choir, called Angels because You sent them to guard humanity along the paths of Your salvation; I offer Thee, o Lord, the merits of these sovereign spirits and those of the glorious prince Saint Michael who, with the Guardian Angels, protects all men and human nature. I beg You to keep me from every sin, grant me angelic purity and happy arrival at the glory of Heaven, where I may see You face-to-face and love You perfectly for all eternity. Amen.

(Here pray nine times the Our Father and Hail Mary in union with the nine choirs of Angels and their Prince, Saint Michael. Then, pray:)

O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, terror of demons and their henchmen, great and admirable Captain next to Jesus Christ, resplendent with grace, excellence and virtue; deliver us from all adversity so that we may love God with ardent fervour, and that we may progress each day in His holy service.

V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, protector of the Holy Catholic Church

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray,

Almighty and eternal God, Who in Your great goodness and infinite mercy has chosen the glorious Prince Saint Michael to render You glory and protect mankind; grant us, by his efficacious intercession and help, that we may merit to be defended from all enemies, and may be freely and benignly presented before the throne of Your Exalted Majesty at the hour of our death. Amen.

Novenas prayers

Novena to Saint Michael – Day 8

Day 8: The Archangels

Prayer for each day:

My Lord and My God, Father of Mercy and all Consolation: I present myself to You of my own free will and with all the resolution and firmness of which my heart is capable aided by thy divine grace, so You would deign to receive me among Your humble and fervent servants under the direction of the glorious Saint Michael.

Keeping with my soul’s earnest desire, I will don the livery of humility, observe the cleanliness of chastity according to my state in life, and embrace the shield of patience with which I shall resist the arrows shot at me by the world, the devil and the flesh. I will arm myself with holy zeal to seek thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. I will strive in earnest to teach the truth and dispel ignorance, extirpate vice and cultivate virtue in me and all my neighbours. This is my resolution, which I hope to fulfill helped by divine grace, which I will receive through the merits of Jesus Christ Thy Son, by the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the glorious Saint Michael, and all other Angels and Saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Eighth Day:

God and Lord of the heavenly spirits of the Eighth Choir, the Archangels, called thus because You entrusted to them the all-important care of Your honour and glory; I offer Thee, o Lord, the merits of these noblest spirits and those of the glorious Saint Michael, who distinguished himself so much in the great battle and heroically defended Your honour and glory against Lucifer and his followers. I implore You to grant me grace and strength to conquer and overcome all the enemies of my salvation so that, having obtained the heavenly glory, I may forever sing Your mercy. Amen.

(Here pray nine times the Our Father and Hail Mary in union with the nine choirs of Angels and their Prince, Saint Michael. Then, pray:)

O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, terror of demons and their henchmen, great and admirable Captain next to Jesus Christ, resplendent with grace, excellence and virtue; deliver us from all adversity so that we may love God with ardent fervour, and that we may progress each day in His holy service.

V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, protector of the Holy Catholic Church

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray,

Almighty and eternal God, Who in Your great goodness and infinite mercy has chosen the glorious Prince Saint Michael to render You glory and protect mankind; grant us, by his efficacious intercession and help, that we may merit to be defended from all enemies, and may be freely and benignly presented before the throne of Your Exalted Majesty at the hour of our death. Amen.

Novenas prayers

Novena to Saint Michael – Day 7

Day 7: The Principalities

Prayer for each day:

My Lord and My God, Father of Mercy and all Consolation: I present myself to You of my own free will and with all the resolution and firmness of which my heart is capable aided by thy divine grace, so You would deign to receive me among Your humble and fervent servants under the direction of the glorious Saint Michael.

Keeping with my soul’s earnest desire, I will don the livery of humility, observe the cleanliness of chastity according to my state in life, and embrace the shield of patience with which I shall resist the arrows shot at me by the world, the devil and the flesh. I will arm myself with holy zeal to seek thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. I will strive in earnest to teach the truth and dispel ignorance, extirpate vice and cultivate virtue in me and all my neighbours. This is my resolution, which I hope to fulfill helped by divine grace, which I will receive through the merits of Jesus Christ Thy Son, by the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the glorious Saint Michael, and all other Angels and Saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Seventh Day:

God and Lord of the heavenly spirits of the Seventh Choir, called the Principalities because You have made them guardians of kingdoms and nations; I offer You, o Lord, the merits of these excellent spirits and those of the glorious Prince Saint Michael, the First Guard of all Christian kingdoms and of Holy Church; and I humbly beg You to guard my soul and body, faculties and senses from all disorder, passion, and temptations. I hope that Your kingdom may come within me, that You alone may rule in it, and that I may joyfully obey Your holy decrees with promptness and enthusiasm. Amen.

(Here pray nine times the Our Father and Hail Mary in union with the nine choirs of Angels and their Prince, Saint Michael. Then, pray:)

O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, terror of demons and their henchmen, great and admirable Captain next to Jesus Christ, resplendent with grace, excellence and virtue; deliver us from all adversity so that we may love God with ardent fervour, and that we may progress each day in His holy service.

V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, protector of the Holy Catholic Church

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray,

Almighty and eternal God, Who in Your great goodness and infinite mercy has chosen the glorious Prince Saint Michael to render You glory and protect mankind; grant us, by his efficacious intercession and help, that we may merit to be defended from all enemies, and may be freely and benignly presented before the throne of Your Exalted Majesty at the hour of our death. Amen.

Novenas prayers

Novena to Saint Michael – Day 6

Day 6: The Powers

Prayer for each day:

My Lord and My God, Father of Mercy and all Consolation: I present myself to You of my own free will and with all the resolution and firmness of which my heart is capable aided by thy divine grace, so You would deign to receive me among Your humble and fervent servants under the direction of the glorious Saint Michael.

Keeping with my soul’s earnest desire, I will don the livery of humility, observe the cleanliness of chastity according to my state in life, and embrace the shield of patience with which I shall resist the arrows shot at me by the world, the devil and the flesh. I will arm myself with holy zeal to seek thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. I will strive in earnest to teach the truth and dispel ignorance, extirpate vice and cultivate virtue in me and all my neighbours. This is my resolution, which I hope to fulfill helped by divine grace, which I will receive through the merits of Jesus Christ Thy Son, by the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the glorious Saint Michael, and all other Angels and Saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Sixth Day:

God and Lord of the heavenly spirits of the Sixth Choir, who are the Powers, called thus for the unique power You have given them to repress the devils; I offer Thee, o Lord, the merits of these most powerful spirits and those of the glorious prince Saint Michael, who won the greatest of victories against Lucifer and his followers; and, by the same ease with which Saint Michael incessantly fights for man against his enemies, I humbly pray that You help me fight honestly, and thus merit the crown of glory. Amen.

(Here pray nine times the Our Father and Hail Mary in union with the nine choirs of Angels and their Prince, Saint Michael. Then, pray:)

O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, terror of demons and their henchmen, great and admirable Captain next to Jesus Christ, resplendent with grace, excellence and virtue; deliver us from all adversity so that we may love God with ardent fervour, and that we may progress each day in His holy service.

V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, protector of the Holy Catholic Church

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray,

Almighty and eternal God, Who in Your great goodness and infinite mercy has chosen the glorious Prince Saint Michael to render You glory and protect mankind; grant us, by his efficacious intercession and help, that we may merit to be defended from all enemies, and may be freely and benignly presented before the throne of Your Exalted Majesty at the hour of our death. Amen.

Novenas prayers

Novena to Saint Michael – Day 5

Day 5: The Virtues

Prayer for each day:

My Lord and My God, Father of Mercy and all Consolation: I present myself to You of my own free will and with all the resolution and firmness of which my heart is capable aided by thy divine grace, so You would deign to receive me among Your humble and fervent servants under the direction of the glorious Saint Michael.

Keeping with my soul’s earnest desire, I will don the livery of humility, observe the cleanliness of chastity according to my state in life, and embrace the shield of patience with which I shall resist the arrows shot at me by the world, the devil and the flesh. I will arm myself with holy zeal to seek thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. I will strive in earnest to teach the truth and dispel ignorance, extirpate vice and cultivate virtue in me and all my neighbours. This is my resolution, which I hope to fulfill helped by divine grace, which I will receive through the merits of Jesus Christ Thy Son, by the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the glorious Saint Michael, and all other Angels and Saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Fifth Day:

God and Lord of the heavenly spirits of the Fifth Choir, called the Virtues, by whom You work miracles through Your sovereign power, governing nature so that it serves Your greater honour and glory; I offer You, o Lord, the merits of these prodigious spirits and those of the glorious prince Saint Michael, the Main Instrument of all marvels that You work in the universe; I implore You to grant that, having conquered the evil inclinations of corrupt nature, I may remain and grow in Your grace and attain eternal glory. Amen.

(Here pray nine times the Our Father and Hail Mary in union with the nine choirs of Angels and their Prince, Saint Michael. Then, pray:)

O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, terror of demons and their henchmen, great and admirable Captain next to Jesus Christ, resplendent with grace, excellence and virtue; deliver us from all adversity so that we may love God with ardent fervour, and that we may progress each day in His holy service.

V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, protector of the Holy Catholic Church

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray,

Almighty and eternal God, Who in Your great goodness and infinite mercy has chosen the glorious Prince Saint Michael to render You glory and protect mankind; grant us, by his efficacious intercession and help, that we may merit to be defended from all enemies, and may be freely and benignly presented before the throne of Your Exalted Majesty at the hour of our death. Amen.

Novenas prayers

Novena to Saint Michael – Day 4

Day 4: The Dominations

Prayer for each day:

My Lord and My God, Father of Mercy and all Consolation: I present myself to You of my own free will and with all the resolution and firmness of which my heart is capable aided by thy divine grace, so You would deign to receive me among Your humble and fervent servants under the direction of the glorious Saint Michael.

Keeping with my soul’s earnest desire, I will don the livery of humility, observe the cleanliness of chastity according to my state in life, and embrace the shield of patience with which I shall resist the arrows shot at me by the world, the devil and the flesh. I will arm myself with holy zeal to seek thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. I will strive in earnest to teach the truth and dispel ignorance, extirpate vice and cultivate virtue in me and all my neighbours. This is my resolution, which I hope to fulfill helped by divine grace, which I will receive through the merits of Jesus Christ Thy Son, by the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the glorious Saint Michael, and all other Angels and Saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Fourth Day:

God and Lord of the heavenly spirits of the Fourth Choir, called the Dominations, who preside over the lower choirs and are ministers of Your Providence; I offer You the merits of these most eminent spirits and those of Your First Minister, the Glorious Saint Michael, so that You grant me perfect control over my passions, and perfect obedience to Your Holy Law and to all my superiors; so that I may obtain the reward reserved for those who are obedient unto death, as Jesus Christ, Your Son and Our Lord, taught us; He Who lives with You and the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.

(Here pray nine times the Our Father and Hail Mary in union with the nine choirs of Angels and their Prince, Saint Michael. Then, pray:)

O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, terror of demons and their henchmen, great and admirable Captain next to Jesus Christ, resplendent with grace, excellence and virtue; deliver us from all adversity so that we may love God with ardent fervour, and that we may progress each day in His holy service.

V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, protector of the Holy Catholic Church

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray,

Almighty and eternal God, Who in Your great goodness and infinite mercy has chosen the glorious Prince Saint Michael to render You glory and protect mankind; grant us, by his efficacious intercession and help, that we may merit to be defended from all enemies, and may be freely and benignly presented before the throne of Your Exalted Majesty at the hour of our death. Amen.

Novenas prayers

Novena to Saint Michael – Day 3

Day 3: The Thrones

Prayer for each day:

My Lord and My God, Father of Mercy and all Consolation: I present myself to You of my own free will and with all the resolution and firmness of which my heart is capable aided by thy divine grace, so You would deign to receive me among Your humble and fervent servants under the direction of the glorious Saint Michael.

Keeping with my soul’s earnest desire, I will don the livery of humility, observe the cleanliness of chastity according to my state in life, and embrace the shield of patience with which I shall resist the arrows shot at me by the world, the devil and the flesh. I will arm myself with holy zeal to seek thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. I will strive in earnest to teach the truth and dispel ignorance, extirpate vice and cultivate virtue in me and all my neighbours. This is my resolution, which I hope to fulfill helped by divine grace, which I will receive through the merits of Jesus Christ Thy Son, by the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the glorious Saint Michael, and all other Angels and Saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Third Day:

God and Lord of the heavenly spirits of the Third Choir, called the Thrones, in whom You rest as on a Throne of Glory, seated as in a Court of Justice; I offer You the merits of these noble spirits and those of the glorious Saint Michael, the most splendid throne of Your Majesty and supreme minister of Your Justice, so that You may grant me the grace to receive You during Holy Communion on the throne of my heart; and from this throne, judge me not as my faults deserve, but according to Your great mercy, that I may attain salvation. Amen.

(Here pray nine times the Our Father and Hail Mary in union with the nine choirs of Angels and their Prince, Saint Michael. Then, pray:)

O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, terror of demons and their henchmen, great and admirable Captain next to Jesus Christ, resplendent with grace, excellence and virtue; deliver us from all adversity so that we may love God with ardent fervour, and that we may progress each day in His holy service.

V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, protector of the Holy Catholic Church

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray,

Almighty and eternal God, Who in Your great goodness and infinite mercy has chosen the glorious Prince Saint Michael to render You glory and protect mankind; grant us, by his efficacious intercession and help, that we may merit to be defended from all enemies, and may be freely and benignly presented before the throne of Your Exalted Majesty at the hour of our death. Amen.

Novenas prayers

Novena to Saint Michael – Day 2

Day 2: The Cherubim

Prayer for each day:

My Lord and My God, Father of Mercy and all Consolation: I present myself to You of my own free will and with all the resolution and firmness of which my heart is capable aided by thy divine grace, so You would deign to receive me among Your humble and fervent servants under the direction of the glorious Saint Michael.

Keeping with my soul’s earnest desire, I will don the livery of humility, observe the cleanliness of chastity according to my state in life, and embrace the shield of patience with which I shall resist the arrows shot at me by the world, the devil and the flesh. I will arm myself with holy zeal to seek thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. I will strive in earnest to teach the truth and dispel ignorance, extirpate vice and cultivate virtue in me and all my neighbours. This is my resolution, which I hope to fulfill helped by divine grace, which I will receive through the merits of Jesus Christ Thy Son, by the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the glorious Saint Michael, and all other Angels and Saints. Amen.

Prayer for the Second Day:

God and Lord of the heavenly spirits of the Second Choir, called Cherubim because they adore Your perfect Wisdom; I offer You the merits of these wise spirits and those of the glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the wise in Heaven and most brilliant Master of the wisest on earth; and I ask You to grant me the grace to know what I must do to fulfill Your holy will, and to understand it in order to teach it to others so that all may know and love You here on earth and later in Heaven. Amen.

(Here pray nine times the Our Father and Hail Mary in union with the nine choirs of Angels and their Prince, Saint Michael. Then, pray:)

O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, terror of demons and their henchmen, great and admirable Captain next to Jesus Christ, resplendent with grace, excellence and virtue; deliver us from all adversity so that we may love God with ardent fervour, and that we may progress each day in His holy service.

V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, protector of the Holy Catholic Church

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray,

Almighty and eternal God, Who in Your great goodness and infinite mercy has chosen the glorious Prince Saint Michael to render You glory and protect mankind; grant us, by his efficacious intercession and help, that we may merit to be defended from all enemies, and may be freely and benignly presented before the throne of Your Exalted Majesty at the hour of our death. Amen.

Novenas prayers

Novena to Saint Michael – Day 1

Day 1: The Seraphim

Prayer for each day:

My Lord and My God, Father of Mercy and all Consolation: I present myself to You of my own free will and with all the resolution and firmness of which my heart is capable aided by thy divine grace, so You would deign to receive me among Your humble and fervent servants under the direction of the glorious Saint Michael.

Keeping with my soul’s earnest desire, I will don the livery of humility, observe the cleanliness of chastity according to my state in life, and embrace the shield of patience with which I shall resist the arrows shot at me by the world, the devil and the flesh. I will arm myself with holy zeal to seek thy greater glory and the salvation of souls. I will strive in earnest to teach the truth and dispel ignorance, extirpate vice and cultivate virtue in me and all my neighbours. This is my resolution, which I hope to fulfill helped by divine grace, which I will receive through the merits of Jesus Christ Thy Son, by the intercession of Mary Most Holy, the glorious Saint Michael, and all other Angels and Saints. Amen.

Prayer for the First Day:

God and Lord of the Heavenly spirits of the First Choir, called Seraphim as they are enkindled in the flames of Your love: I offer You the merits of these fervent spirits and those of Your beloved and devoted Saint Michael; and I ask You, my Only God and Lord, to grant me the grace that I, too, may love You above all things with my whole heart, mind, soul and strength, so that all may love You and none may offend You. Amen.

(Here pray nine times the Our Father and Hail Mary in union with the nine choirs of Angels and their Prince, Saint Michael. Then, pray:)

O glorious Saint Michael, Prince of the heavenly hosts, terror of demons and their henchmen, great and admirable Captain next to Jesus Christ, resplendent with grace, excellence and virtue; deliver us from all adversity so that we may love God with ardent fervour, and that we may progress each day in His holy service.

V. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, protector of the Holy Catholic Church

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray,

Almighty and eternal God, Who in Your great goodness and infinite mercy has chosen the glorious Prince Saint Michael to render You glory and protect mankind; grant us, by his efficacious intercession and help, that we may merit to be defended from all enemies, and may be freely and benignly presented before the throne of Your Exalted Majesty at the hour of our death. Amen.


Quotes from Saints about the Holy Souls in Purgatory

souls in purgatory

Quotes from Saints about the Holy Souls in Purgatory

“I come to tell you that they suffer in Purgatory, that they weep, and that they demand with urgent cries the help of your prayers and your good works. I seem to hear them crying from the depths of those fires which devour them: ‘Tell our loved ones, tell our children, tell all our relatives how great the evils are which they are making us suffer. We throw ourselves at their feet to implore the help of their prayers. Ah! Tell them that since we have been separated from them, we have been here burning in the flames!’”

“It is definite that only a few chosen ones do not go to Purgatory and the sufferings there that one must endure exceed our imagination.”

“The fire of Purgatory is the same as the fire of Hell; the difference between them is that the fire of Purgatory is not everlasting.”

“If it were but known how great is the power of the good souls in Purgatory with the Heart of God, and if we knew all the graces we can obtain through their intercession, they would not be so much forgotten. We must, therefore, pray much for them, that they may pray much for us.”

- St. John Vianney

“I do not think that apart from the felicity of Heaven, there can be a joy comparable to that experienced by the souls in Purgatory. An incessant communication from God renders their joy more vivid from day to day: and this communication becomes more and more intimate, to the extent that it consumes the obstacles still existing in the soul… On the other hand, they endure pain so intense, that no tongue is able to describe it. Nor is any mind capable of comprehending the smallest spark of that consuming fire, unless God should show it to him by a special grace.”

- St. Catherine of Siena

“The more one longs for a thing, the more painful does the deprivation of it become. And because after this life, the desire for God, the Extreme Good, is intense in the souls of the just (because this impetus toward Him is not hampered by the weight of the body, and that time of enjoyment of the Perfect Good would have come) had there been no obstacle; the soul suffers enormously from the delay.”

- St. Thomas Aquinas

“If only you knew with what great longing these holy souls yearn for relief from their suffering. Ingratitude has never entered Heaven.”

- St. Margaret Mary

“He who saves a soul saves his own and satisfies for a multitude of sins.”

- St. James the Apostle

“If, during life, we have been kind to the suffering souls in purgatory, God will see that help be not denied us after death.”

- St. Paul of the Cross

“By assisting them we shall not only give great pleasure to God, but will acquire also great merit for ourselves. And, in return for our suffrages, these blessed souls will not neglect to obtain for us many graces from God, but particularly the grace of eternal life. I hold for certain that a soul delivered from Purgatory by the suffrages of a Christian, when she enters paradise, will not fail to say to God: ‘Lord, do not suffer to be lost that person who has liberated me from the prison of Purgatory, and has brought me to the enjoyment of Thy glory sooner than I have deserved.’”

“The practice of recommending to God the souls in Purgatory, that He may mitigate the great pains which they suffer, and that He may soon bring them to His glory, is most pleasing to the Lord and most profitable to us. For these blessed souls are His eternal spouses, and most grateful are they to those who obtain their deliverance from prison, or even a mitigation of their torrents. When, therefore, they arrive in Heaven, they will be sure to remember all who have prayed for them.”

- St. Alphonse Maria de Liguori

“My love urges Me to release the poor souls. If a beneficent king leaves his guilty friend in prison for justice’s sake, he awaits with longing for one of his nobles to plead for the prisoner and to offer something for his release. Then the king joyfully sets him free. Similarly, I accept with highest pleasure what is offered to Me for the poor souls, for I long inexpressibly to have near Me those for whom I paid so great a price. By the prayers of thy loving soul, I am induced to free a prisoner from purgatory as often as thou dost move thy tongue to utter a word of prayer!”

- Our Lord to St. Gertrude

“If it were but known how great is the power of the good souls in Purgatory with the Heart of God, and if we knew all the graces we can obtain through their intercession, they would not be so much forgotten. We must, therefore, pray much for them, that they may pray much for us.”

- St. John Chrysostom

“As we enter Heaven, we will see them, so many of them, coming towards us and thanking us. We will ask who they are, and they will say ‘a poor soul you prayed for in purgatory.’”

- Ven. Fulton Sheen

“We must empty Purgatory with our prayers.”

- St. Pio of Pietrelcina

“No one is barred from heaven. Whoever wants to enter heaven may do so because God is merciful. Our Lord will welcome us into glory with His arms wide open. The Almighty is pure however, and if a person is conscious of the least trace of imperfection and at the same time understands that Purgatory is ordained to do away with such impediments, the soul enters this place of perfection gladly to accept so great a mercy of God. The worst suffering of these suffering souls is to have sinned against Divine Goodness and not to have been purified in this life.”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“I come to tell you that they suffer in Purgatory, that they weep, and that they demand with urgent cries the help of your prayers and your good works. I seem to hear them crying from the depths of those fires which devour them: ‘Tell our loved ones, tell our children, tell all our relatives how great the evils are which they are making us suffer. We throw ourselves at their feet to implore the help of their prayers. Ah! Tell them that since we have been separated from them, we have been here burning in the flames!’”

- St. Francis de Sales

“Each one will be presented to the Judge exactly as he was when he departed this life. Yet there must be a cleansing fire before judgment because of some minor faults that may remain to be purged away.”

- Pope St. Gregory the Great

“In our prayers, let us not forget sinners and the poor souls in Purgatory especially our poor relatives.”

- St. Bernadette

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Intentions to the North American Martyrs

My THANK YOU to the North American Martyrs
Feast Day: September 26



I will always cherish my Catholic Faith. Please say THANK YOU to the North American Martyrs for me. And pray for my intentions below:

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Novena & Prayers to Saint Padre Pio

saint padre po

Novena & Prayers to Saint Padre Pio


Novena to Saint Pio of Pietrelcina

Start on September 16 to end on the eve of his Feast Day

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9


Beloved Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who bore on your body the signs of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, you took the Cross to the ends of the world while enduring the physical and moral sufferings that scourged your body in a continuous martyrdom. We beg you to pray to God for us, that each of us may accept the crosses of our lives, great and small, so that everyone may turn their own suffering into a safe bond that binds us to eternal life.

Padre Pio, pray for us!
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be...


Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, who are now with Our Lord Jesus, you who knew how to resist the temptations, blows and oppression of the evil one who sought to induce thee to abandon the path of holiness, we implore you to pray to God for us so that, with your help and the help of all the angels and saints, we may find the strength to turn away from sin and to persevere in the faith till the day of our death.

Padre Pio, pray for us!
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be...


Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, who are now with Our Lord Jesus, you who knew how to resist the temptations, blows and oppression of the evil one who sought to induce thee to abandon the path of holiness, we implore you to pray to God for us so that, with your help and the help of all the angels and saints, we may find the strength to turn away from sin and to persevere in the faith till the day of our death.

Padre Pio, pray for us!
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be...


Most chaste Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, who so loved and taught us to love the Holy Guardian Angel that served you as companion, guide, defender and messenger, to you the angels bring the prayers of your spiritual children. Intercede with God for us so that we too may learn to speak with our Guardian Angel, so we may obey him at all times, as he is the living light of God, the one who delivers us from the misfortune of falling into sin. Our Angel is always ready to teach us the right path and dissuade us from doing evil.

Padre Pio, pray for us!
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be...


Most prudent Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, who so loved and taught us to love the souls in Purgatory; you who offered yourself as a victim to atone for their sins; pray to God Our Lord to place in our hearts feelings of compassion and love for these holy souls. We too will help the souls in Purgatory and will reduce their time of banishment and great distress. With sacrifices and prayers, we will obtain the eternal rest of their souls and the holy indulgences required to obtain their release from that place of suffering.

Padre Pio, pray for us!
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be...


Most obedient Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you who loved the sick even more than yourself by seeing Jesus in them; you, who in God’s Name have wrought miracles of healing and the full restoration of health in body and soul, pray to God for all the sick, through the intercession of Mary Most Holy, so they can experience your strong help, and through their bodily healing they may find spiritual benefits and be always thankful to God.

Padre Pio, pray for us!
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be...


Most blessed Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you who have accomplished God’s plan of salvation and have offered your sufferings to free sinners worldwide from the claws of Satan, pray to God for unbelievers so they may acquire a great and true faith and be converted, repenting from the depth of their hearts; for people with little faith to improve their Christian life; and for the righteous to continue on the path of salvation.

Padre Pio, pray for us!
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be...


Most pure Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you who so loved your spiritual children as to buy many of them at the cost of your blood: grant also those of us who did not know you personally to be considered your spiritual children so that, under your fatherly protection and with your holy guidance and strength, at the moment of our death we and all the children of God may find you waiting for us at the gates of Paradise.

Padre Pio, pray for us!
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be...


Humble Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, you who are truly loved by Holy Mother Church, pray to God, the Lord of prosperous harvests, to send out workers into His harvest so that we may have holy priests with strength and divine inspiration. We also beseech you to intercede with the Blessed Virgin Mary so that she will lead all men to convert to the one true religion of the One True God, the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Padre Pio, pray for us!
Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be...

Prayer to Saint Pio of Pietrelcina

God, Who gave Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, a Capuchin priest, the great privilege of admirably participating in the Passion of Your Son, grant me through his intercession, the grace of......... which I so desire; and above all, grant me to be united to the Passion of Jesus in order to eventually attain His glorious Resurrection.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory be...

Consecration to Saint Pio of Pietrelcina

O glorious Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, thou, who art a saint and my friend, Comforter of my soul and help of this sinner, who in thy suffering keenly understands my own, to thee I consecrate myself and my loved ones; to thee I entrust my spirit, that thou makest it able to withstand all the tribulations of my heart; I beseech thee to present my soul to Our Lady of Grace so I may obtain from God, eternal salvation; I ask thee to intercede that I may obtain from Divine Goodness the grace of........., which I ardently desire. Take me under thy protection. Defend me from the onslaughts of the evil one. Above all, intercede with the Almighty to grant me the pardon for my sins and make me persevere on the right path.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen (3 times).

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Novena & Intentions to Saint Anne

Novena to Saints Anne & Joachim


Although Scripture is silent about the grandparents of Jesus, tradition tells us that Saints Anne and Joachim were married for many years before God blessed them with a child. During those years, they fasted, prayed and wept, mourning the child that would not come.

Painting of Anne and Joachim with the Blessed Virgin Mary as a Child Years of longing did not weaken their trust in God, but grief eventually drove Saint Joachim into the wilderness to fast and pray. Saint Anne, remaining at home, dressed in mourning clothes and wept because she had no child of her own. Seeing her mistress distressed, a servant girl reminded Anne to put her trust in God. Saint Anne washed her face, put on her bridal clothes and went to a garden to plead with God for a child.

Angels appeared to Saint Anne in her garden and Saint Joachim in the desert, promising that, despite their old age, they would give birth to a child who would be known throughout the world. The new parents ran to meet one another at Jerusalem’s Golden Gate, and rejoiced in the new life which God had promised would be theirs.

When that child became a woman and pronounced her "Fiat" to Saint Gabriel, Saints Anne and Joachim saw an even more wondrous answer to their prayers. Not just a grandchild, but a Savior who was God Himself, Jesus Christ.

July 26, the Church honours these holy grandparents for their prayers, their trust, and most of all for the foundation of faith they laid in the Blessed Virgin Mary’s life.

Beginning on July 17, pray the novena prayer below to Saints Anne and Joachim, trusting in their intercessory power with Our Lord, their Grandson, Jesus Christ.


To be prayed for nine consecutive days

O Holy Mother and Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as parents, you guided and nurtured Mary and, under your protection and love, watched her grow in holiness.

Through your faithfulness and goodness the Will of God was fulfilled; the fruits of your virtue and faith brought salvation to the whole world with the birth of the baby Jesus.

“The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14)

Most Holy Saints Anne and Joachim, come close to us and guide our hands and our hearts in the way of virtue.

Help us to parent our children and grandchildren with a gentle heart as you did.

Show us how to raise our children in faith and bring our families into the Light of Jesus.

Remain close to us and help us on our journey to salvation.

Saints Anne and Joachim, we place our petitions in your hands and ask that you lay them before the child Jesus.

Seek this, my favour [Mention your request] but only if it be for the greater glory of God and the good of my soul.

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....

St. Anne and St. Joachim: Pray for Us!


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Dear Saint Anne, please answer my prayers!

Yes, please take my intentions to the feet of Saint Anne at the Miraculous Shrine of Saint Anne de Beaupré in Quebec, Canada.

This will take place on July 26th, the feast day of Saint Anne celebrated by the Catholic faithful all over the world.

No request is too great or too small for the grandmother of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

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Jacinta’s Visions and Prophecies

Jacinta's Visions and Prophecies

Private Revelations

During and after the apparitions, in the short time Francisco and Jacinta spent on earth, they had several private revelations – especially Jacinta. Below are a few excerpts of the principal revelations to Jacinta.

About the Pope and oppressed peoples

To Lucia:

“….I saw the Holy Father in a very large house, kneeling before a table, with his face in his hands, crying. Outside the house were many people, some of whom cast stones at him, others cursed him and said many ugly words. Poor Holy Father! We have to pray a lot for him.”

“…Don’t you see so many roads and so many ways filled with people crying with hunger and having nothing to eat? And the Holy Father in a church before the Immaculate Heart of Mary, praying? And so many people praying with him?”

On war, sin and peace

To Lucia:

“Tell everybody that God grants us His graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that they should ask her for them, that the Heart of Jesus wants the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be honoured along with Him, that they should ask the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace because God has placed it in her keeping.”

“You know, Our Lord is very sad because Our Lady told us He should not be offended anymore because He was already much offended, but nobody paid attention. People continue to commit the same sins."

"Wars are nothing but punishments for the sins of the world."

"Our Lady can no longer hold back the arm of her beloved Son from the world. It is necessary to do penance. If people change their ways, Our Lord will still avail the world; but if they do not, the chastisement will come."

"If men do not change their ways, Our Lady will send the world a punishment the like of which has never been seen. It will fall first . . . upon Spain."

Jacinta also spoke of "great world events that would take place around 1940."

On priests and rulers

When Jacinta was moved to Lisbon to be treated at Dona Estefania Hospital, she was lodged at an orphanage in the care of Mother Maria Godinho who carefully took down the seer’s words.

To Mother Godinho:

"… pray much for sinners! Pray much for priests! Pray much for religious! Priests should only occupy themselves with the affairs of the Church. Priests should be pure, very pure. The disobedience of priests and religious to their superiors and to the Holy Father greatly offends Our Lord."

"My godmother, pray much for those who govern! Woe to those who persecute the religion of Our Lord! If the government left the Church in peace and gave freedom to the holy Faith, it would be blessed by God."

On sin, fashions and marriage

To Mother Godinho:

"The sins that lead more souls to hell are the sins of the flesh."

"Fashions that will greatly offend Our Lord will appear. People who serve God should not follow fashions. The Church has no fashions. Our Lord is always the same."

"The sins of the world are very great."

"If men knew what eternity is, they would do everything to change their lives."

"Men are lost because they do not think of the death of Our Lord and do not do penance."

"Many marriages are not good; they do not please Our Lord, and they are not of God."

On Christian virtue

To Mother Godinho:

"…do not walk in the midst of luxury. Flee from riches. Be very fond of holy poverty and silence.

"Have much charity even for those who are bad. Speak ill of no one and flee from those who do so. Be very patient, for patience leads us to heaven. Mortification and sacrifices greatly please Our Lord."

"Confession is a sacrament of mercy. Therefore, one must approach the confessional with confidence and joy. Without confession there is no salvation."

On Fashions

To Mother Godinho:

“The sins which cause most souls to go to hell are the sins of the flesh.” Directly enlightened from above, this perfectly innocent, barely ten-year-old girl repeats what Saint Alphonsus Liguori says, that it is sins against chastity “that fill hell with souls.”

When Mother Godinho asked Jacinta if she understood what it meant to be “pure,” she answered, “I do. To be pure in body is to keep chastity. To be pure in soul is not to commit sins, not to look at what one should not see...”

The other, rather prophetic statement of Jacinta, is: “Fashions will much offend Our Lord.”

It is well to recall here that modesty is the outer defense of chastity, the walls that defend the castle, as well as the gardens that adorn the palace.

The correct question, when it comes to fashion, is not what is the extreme limit at which one is allowed to arrive, but how can one’s attire more clearly manifest love of modesty and of the virtue of purity.


Novenas & Prayers to Saint Anthony

saint anthony

Novenas & Prayers to Saint Anthony



Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9


O wonderful St. Anthony, gloriously named “Miracle Worker” on account of your many miracles and through the sweetness of Jesus coming in the form of a little child to rest in your arms, obtain for me from His bounty the grace which I ardently desire from the depths of my heart. You who were so compassionate toward miserable sinners, regard not the unworthiness of those who pray to you, but the glory of God that it may once again be magnified by the granting of the particular request which I now ask with complete trust in your kindness. Amen

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


O holy St. Anthony, gentlest of saints, your love for God and charity for His creatures made you worthy while on earth to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me the favor I seek in this novena. The answer to my prayer may require a miracle; even so, you are the Saint of miracles. O gentle and loving Saint Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Infant Jesus, Who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will always be yours.

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....
Concluding prayer....

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


O miracle-working St. Anthony, remember that it never has been heard that you did not leave without help or relief anyone who in his need had recourse to you. Animated now with the most lively confidence, even with full conviction of not being refused, I fly for refuge to you, O most favored friend of the Infant Jesus. Eloquent preacher of the Divine mercy, despise not my supplications but, bringing them before the throne of God, strengthen them by your intercession and obtain for me the favor I seek in this novena.

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....
Concluding prayer....

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


O purest St. Anthony, who through thine Angelic virtue was made worthy to be caressed by the Divine Child Jesus, to hold Him in your arms and press Him to your heart. I entreat you to cast a benevolent glance upon me. O glorious St. Anthony, born under the protection of Mary Immaculate, on the Feast of her Assumption into Heaven, and consecrated to her and now so powerful an intercessor in Heaven, I beseech you to obtain for me the favor I ask in this novena. O great wonder-worker, intercede for me that God may grant my request.

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....
Concluding prayer....

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


I salute and honor you, O powerful helper, St. Anthony. The Christian world confidently turns to you and experiences your tender compassion and powerful assistance in so many necessities and sufferings that I am encouraged in my need to seek your help in obtaining a favorable answer to my request for the favor I seek in this novena. O holy St. Anthony, I beseech you, obtain for me the grace that I desire.

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....
Concluding prayer....

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


I salute you, St. Anthony, lily of purity, ornament and glory of Christianity. I salute you, great Saint, cherub of wisdom and seraph of Divine love. I rejoice at the favors our Lord has so liberally bestowed upon you. In humility and confidence, I entreat you to help me, for I know that God has given you charity and pity, as well as power. I ask you by the love you felt toward the Infant Jesus as you held Him in your arms to tell Him now of the favor I seek in this novena.

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....
Concluding prayer....

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


O glorious St. Anthony, chosen by God to preach His Word, you received from Him the gift of tongues and the power of working the most extraordinary miracles. O good St. Anthony, pray that I may fulfill the will of God in all things so that I may love Him, with you, for all eternity. O kind St. Anthony, I ask you, obtain for me the grace that I desire, the favor I seek in this novena.

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....
Concluding prayer....

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


O renowned champion of the faith of Christ, most holy St. Anthony, glorious for your many miracles, obtain for me from the bounty of my Lord and God the grace which I ardently seek in this novena. O holy St. Anthony, ever attentive to those who invoke your assistance, grant me the aid of your powerful intercession.

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....
Concluding prayer....

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


O holy St. Anthony, you have shown yourself to be so powerful, so tender and so compassionate towards those who honor you and invoke you in suffering and distress. I ask you most humbly and earnestly to take me under your protection in my present necessities and to obtain for me the favor I desire. Recommend my request to the merciful Queen of Heaven, that she may plead my cause with you before the throne of her Divine Son.

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....
Concluding prayer....

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


Saint Anthony, servant of Mary, glory of the Church, pray for our Holy Father, our bishops, our priests, our Religious Orders, that, through their pious zeal and apostolic labors, all may be united in faith and give greater glory to God. St. Anthony, helper of all who invoke you, pray for me and intercede for me before the throne of Almighty God that I be granted the favor I so earnestly seek in this novena.

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....
Concluding prayer....

Saint Anthony, pray for us!


May the Divine assistance remain always with us. Amen

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

O God, may devotion to blessed Anthony, Thy confessor, be a source of joy to Thy Church, that she may always be fortified with spiritual assistance, and deserve to enjoy eternal rewards. Amen

Prayer to Saint Anthony for help in finding missing items

Saint Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may find (mention your request) which has been lost.

As least restore to me peace and tranquility of mind, the loss of which has afflicted me even more than my material loss.

To this favor I ask another of you: that I may always remain in possession of the true good that is God. Let me rather lose all things than lose God, my supreme good. Let me never suffer the loss of my greatest treasure, eternal life with God. Amen

Short Prayer to Saint Anthony

Wondrous Saint Anthony, glorious for the fame of your miracles, you had the happiness of receiving in your arms our blessed Lord as a little child. Obtain for me from His mercy this favor that I desire from the bottom of my heart: (mention your request)

Since you were so gracious to poor sinners, do not regard the lack of merit on the part of him who calls upon you, but consider the glory of God, which will by exalted once more through you, by the salvation of my soul and the granting of the petition that I now earnestly present to you.

As a pledge of my gratitude, I beg you to accept my promise to live henceforth more faithfully according to the teaching of the Gospel and to be devoted to the service of the poor whom you ever loved and still love so much. Bless this my resolution and obtain for me the grace to be faithful to it till death. Amen

Ejaculatory prayers to Saint Anthony

  • Saint Anthony, attentive to those who invoke thee, grant us the aid of thy powerful intercession for the grace of holy purity, meekness, humility, obedience, the spirit of poverty, and perfect abandonment to the will of God. Amen
  • Saint Anthony, great wonder-worker, intercede for us that God may grant us our request if it be for the good of our soul. Amen
  • Saint Anthony, be our patron, our protector, and our advocate in life and in death. Amen
  • Saint Anthony, servant of Mary, obtain for us greater devotion to the blessed Mother of God. Amen


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"Christians must lean on the Cross of Christ just as travelers lean on a staff when they begin a long journey." - Saint Anthony

Dear Saint Anthony, please answer my prayers!

Yes, please take my intentions to Saint Anthony and touch them to his tomb in Padua, Italy.

I love Saint Anthony and am confident he will help restore the Faith in the hearts of those who have grown cold towards God and His Church.

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