Three Hail Marys Pledge


Recite, every morning or evening, three Hail Marys in honour of the three great privileges, with this invocation at the end:

  • "O my Mother, preserve me this day (or night) from mortal sin."


  • Indulgences of 200 days granted by Pope Leo XIII.
  • "A devout servant of Mary shall never perish." — St. Alphonsus Liguori
  • This practice has been revealed to St. Melchtilde in the 13th Century with the promise of a good death, if faithful to it every day. (see below)

List of intentions:

  1. For the increase of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  2. For the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls; especially those of my family and friends.
  3. For the conversion of our country. That Canada as a nation may come to fully respect and honour the 10 Commandments of the Divine Law.
  4. For the fidelity and perseverance in the true Faith of all and especially those who are currently most tried against it.
  5. For our children, so they may remain innocent and protected from all moral corruption.
  6. For the relief of souls in Purgatory, that they may soon join the saints in Heaven; especially those of my family and friends.
  7. In reparation for the sins of abortion and euthanasia in our country.
  8. In reparation for the sins against the virtue of purity and the family as set forth by God from the beginning of creation.
  9. For the rejection of the “Errors of Russia” foretold by Our Lady in Fatima. In short, for the rejection of Socialism and Communism in Canada and the world.
  10. For the restoration of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church according to the eternal designs of Her Founder, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
  11. For all those who are good, that they may become even better and more fervent souls. For those who are weak, that they may become stronger in the fight against evil.
  12. For the good health, spiritual and physical, of all those close to us and specially for all those who have requested our prayers.
  13. And finally, May Jesus and Mary bless us individually and our Nation and grant us mercy and grace in spite of all our shortcomings so that we may grow in fidelity to the One True Church, the Mystical Body of Christ on this earth and be with Him for all eternity in Heaven.

About this devotion:

This devotion was revealed by our Blessed Mother Herself to the Benedictine mystic, St. Mechtilde - 1270.

The first Hail Mary: will be in honour of God the Father, Whose omnipotence raised my soul so high above every other creature that, after God, I have the greatest power in Heaven and on earth. In the hour of your death, I will use that power of God the Father to keep any hostile power far from you.

The second Hail Mary: will be said in honour of the Son of God, Who communicated His inscrutable wisdom to me. In the hour of your death, I will fill your soul with the light of that wisdom, so that all the darkness of ignorance and error will be dispelled.

The third Hail Mary: will be in honour of God the Holy Ghost, Who filled my soul with the sweetness of His love and tenderness and mercy. In your last hour, I will then change the bitterness of death into divine sweetness and delight.


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”To desire grace without recourse to the Virgin Mother is to desire to fly without wings.” — Pope Pius XII


I pledge to pray three Hail Mary's daily for the intentions listed and for all of my intentions.

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