No Coexistence: When Crusaders Clash With Satanists at Historic Cross

TFP protestingA spiritual battle took place on the Last Frontier as forty local activists joined with members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property and its Return to Order campaign in Soldotna, Alaska. They were there to protest the Satanic invocation that opened the Kenai Peninsula Borough Public Assembly on June 18, 2019.

The sun shone brightly in the Alaskan afternoon as the red and gold standard of the American TFP was unfurled and a corps of prayer warriors brandished their rosaries to make reparation for the public offense against God.

The lively group of protesters was met by a disjointed opposition. One protester came out with signs promoting abortion and mocked the praying of the rosary. A young woman who joined her even bragged that she had had an abortion and enjoyed it. What united the counter-demonstrators was a hatred of the Catholic Church.

But a battle without a foe is hardly worth fighting, and TFP members were avid to make reparation and engage in open debate.

“We were expecting some people to come,” said Zechariah Long, who flew in from Texas, “But this is amazing!”

TFP member Rex Teodosio encouraged the locals to keep up the fight to defend the public square against Satanism. “I know it is easy to forget about the battles fought here against Satanism, since Alaska is so distant for many.” He said, “But I hope that our presence here will encourage those that are already fighting, and inspire others to join in making their voices heard for God’s truth.”

The delegation also delivered the 25,000 signatures gathered by the Return to Order campaign to the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly. Satanism is increasingly showing its ugly head in the public. Acts of public reparation and protest are perfect means to show that the devil is not welcome in society.

“We need to remember,” Mr. John Horvat said, “Satan is only allowed to do what God permits him to do. But God expects us to react accordingly, especially when Satanism becomes public.”

“Our efforts are therefore very important,” Mr. Horvat continued, “We must always remember that Lucifer is the eternal loser. And that the Blessed Virgin will fulfill the prophecy of old: She [the Virgin] shall crush his head!”

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