Fatima Candlelight Procession - May 12th 2024

For the commemoration of Our Lady’s first apparition in Fatima, Portugal, Canada Needs Our Lady and America Needs Fatima sent two representatives, Mr. Evan Olwell and Mr. Michael Gorre.

They began their mission in the city of Lisbon, where they visited the room where Saint Jacinta of Fatima spent two weeks just before going to the hospital where she died in 1920. Located in what used to be an orphanage, The Franciscan Poor Clares of the Convent of the Immaculate Heart of Mary preserve the room that contains the bed the young saint used, as well as other relics such as a dress, blankets, a pocket knife and even a rosary used by the saint daily.

Of particular interest was a small chair next to the bed. Bolted to the floor and shorter than it originally was because relic hunters had cut the legs short, Our Lady sat upon this chair when she visited the young seer to encourage her through her sufferings in the last days of her young but holy life. Our two pilgrims prayed a rosary for all CNOL members and supporters and their intentions in this holy place where Our Lady appeared to Saint Jacinta.

On the night of May 12, the two pilgrims participated in the traditional candle light rosary procession. While many in northern Europe and North America witnessed a rare aurora borealis during this time, Fatima pilgrims witnessed the marvelous sight of over three hundred thousand people raising up lighted tapers during the recitation of the Holy Rosary.

“The sight of so many candles gave me chills!” said Mr. Olwell, who was visiting Fatima for the first time. With the dedicated help of Mr. Luiz Augusto Rodrigues Ferreira and Mr. Felipe Barandiaran, the pilgrims carried the Canada Needs Our Lady and America Needs Fatima “name banner” in the procession as well. The banner bore the names of over 640 CNOL members who helped make the pilgrimage possible.

As rain showered down on departing pilgrims in the Cova da Iria, Mr. Olwell and Mr. Gorre made their way to the Basilica of the Holy Rosary to pay their respects at the burial place of Saints Jacinta and Francisco of Fatima. Grateful for the opportunity to be in Fatima during the May 13 commemoration, they ended their pilgrimage by offering more rosaries, asking Our Lady to bring the triumph of her Immaculate Heart soon and for the intentions of all her faithful CNOL supporters.

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