Alberta 2021

Red Deer

Alberta 2021

Red Deer

Glory be to Christ!
We had a successful rosary rally at St Marys Church parking lot in Red Deer Alberta.
Blessings to you
Jackie Maga

Alberta 2021

St Albert

Alberta 2021

Milk River in front of St. Peter’s church

We had 18 people attend the rosary. The weather was beautiful and many positive comments made. People want to participate again next year.


Alberta 2021

Edmonton, over the Internet

It was due to the pandemic, we moved the rally from a park to a meeting room of the Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples. We used Facebook Live to broadcast the event over the Internet.

Although we only had 2 priests, 1 deacon, and 2 parishioners able to attend the rally physically, we had over 2 thousand online participants. The reaction was encouraging.

Alberta 2021

Grande Prairie

There were a few of us who braved the cooler weather once again, in Northern Alberta, to gather and pray together for our 5th Annual Rosary Rally!

Alberta 2021


We gathered at 12:00 noon today. We prayed and sang outside the Fire Hall, in Heisler, enjoying a beautiful sunny day.

Alberta 2021


Alberta 2021

Our Lady of the Assumption Church

Public gathering restrictions changed during the planning of the rally reducing gathering numbers from 200 to only 20. We had three groups. Warm but quite windy, so 5 prayer warriors with reduced mobility sat in their cars while joining in with the prayers. All included 67 participants including our parish priest. People left the rally smiling and feeling peaceful and blessed.

Alberta 2021

Vermilion Senior’s Centre (Heritage Park gazebo)

It was cool outside but otherwise pleasant. There was no public backlash. There was nine present including our parish priest. It took about 45 minutes to complete.

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