
Novena to Saints Anne & Joachim


Although Scripture is silent about the grandparents of Jesus, tradition tells us that Saints Anne and Joachim were married for many years before God blessed them with a child. During those years, they fasted, prayed and wept, mourning the child that would not come.

Painting of Anne and Joachim with the Blessed Virgin Mary as a Child Years of longing did not weaken their trust in God, but grief eventually drove Saint Joachim into the wilderness to fast and pray. Saint Anne, remaining at home, dressed in mourning clothes and wept because she had no child of her own. Seeing her mistress distressed, a servant girl reminded Anne to put her trust in God. Saint Anne washed her face, put on her bridal clothes and went to a garden to plead with God for a child.

Angels appeared to Saint Anne in her garden and Saint Joachim in the desert, promising that, despite their old age, they would give birth to a child who would be known throughout the world. The new parents ran to meet one another at Jerusalem’s Golden Gate, and rejoiced in the new life which God had promised would be theirs.

When that child became a woman and pronounced her "Fiat" to Saint Gabriel, Saints Anne and Joachim saw an even more wondrous answer to their prayers. Not just a grandchild, but a Savior who was God Himself, Jesus Christ.

July 26, the Church honours these holy grandparents for their prayers, their trust, and most of all for the foundation of faith they laid in the Blessed Virgin Mary’s life.

Beginning on July 17, pray the novena prayer below to Saints Anne and Joachim, trusting in their intercessory power with Our Lord, their Grandson, Jesus Christ.


To be prayed for nine consecutive days

O Holy Mother and Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as parents, you guided and nurtured Mary and, under your protection and love, watched her grow in holiness.

Through your faithfulness and goodness the Will of God was fulfilled; the fruits of your virtue and faith brought salvation to the whole world with the birth of the baby Jesus.

“The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14)

Most Holy Saints Anne and Joachim, come close to us and guide our hands and our hearts in the way of virtue.

Help us to parent our children and grandchildren with a gentle heart as you did.

Show us how to raise our children in faith and bring our families into the Light of Jesus.

Remain close to us and help us on our journey to salvation.

Saints Anne and Joachim, we place our petitions in your hands and ask that you lay them before the child Jesus.

Seek this, my favour [Mention your request] but only if it be for the greater glory of God and the good of my soul.

Our Father....
Hail Mary....
Glory Be to the Father....

St. Anne and St. Joachim: Pray for Us!


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Dear Saint Anne, please answer my prayers!

Yes, please take my intentions to the feet of Saint Anne at the Miraculous Shrine of Saint Anne de Beaupré in Quebec, Canada.

This will take place on July 26th, the feast day of Saint Anne celebrated by the Catholic faithful all over the world.

No request is too great or too small for the grandmother of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

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