Photo of Our Lady with stained glass

photo of our lady

Our Lady says: “Look deep into my eyes and let me look into yours.” In a striking way, this picture seems to reflect the very gaze of Our Lady, the gaze that seeks to convert and save. It is a gentle reminder of her promise at Fatima: “Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

Canada Needs Our Lady in every home this coming Christmas season, and in the new year. This stunning 8×10 photo of Our Lady makes the perfect Christmas gift for your loved ones. Request your FREE copies today!

*This offer is available ONLY for Canadian residents.

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We are a registered charity (No. 807291737RR0001).

Our tax receipt policy: We issue official tax receipts at the end of January to all donors whose total donations (received) during the preceding calendar year come to $30 or more.

Thank you for your kind a generous support. We pray daily for our benefactors and supporters.

Please see our fundraising disclosure/tax receipt policy for more information.

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